Backrooms: Mysterious Google Earth maps places

Marketa Frydrychova
3 min readJan 25, 2024


Mystery rooms became a viral sensation in 2019. Photo: Huuxloc

Google Earth’s spooky Backrooms have been getting a lot of buzz on social media lately. Why? With this virtual map, you can get to places that will give you chills!

At first glance, everything looks like fun. Short videos are circulating on the Internet that, using a virtual Google Earth map, take you to a place on Earth where you will see a mysterious, empty, or endless room.

In some buildings, you can see what users explain as alien instruments. However, these are supposed to be secret spaces, empty offices, or endless mazes. Is this perhaps another of the many internet scams?

Or can Google Earth discover places whose existence should have remained secret?

Internet scarecrow

Sometimes something comes up on the internet that can make you feel uncomfortable. A terrifying photo of an alleged monster called the Slender Man circulated the world not long ago.

Currently, abandoned spaces, which are claimed to have no end, have come into focus. In 2019, a photo of a deserted office emerged, with the mysterious image spreading like a plague among people.

The new mystery is becoming known under the name Backrooms. Endless corridors, peeling wallpaper and escape signs that lead nowhere. These haunted spaces are said to be home to many unexplained creatures and alien objects.

However, many are wondering, is it all true?

“It’s not real,” claims a user on the Reddit discussion blog, adding that “the young filmmaker Kane Parsons is behind everything, who made a short film with the same theme.” However, users refer to the well-known tunnel phenomenon.

Sometimes scary monsters appear in doorways. Photo: YouTube

Treacherous experiments

Backrooms are an accident that should never have happened. Allegedly, a person can accidentally fall into another dimension, from which it is difficult to get out. According to the tunnel effect, where things can pass through a solid object, this could indeed happen.

These errors were said to never have occurred but occurred due to experiments conducted to test quantum tunneling and teleportation. So are there areas we should avoid?

Google Earth coordinates, 34°42'03” N 135°49'16” E, lead to a location in Japan where two cylindrical buildings are visible. One of the secret areas should be located right there. However, what is hidden inside, we can hardly guess.

The reality is different from how it is presented to us in the videos. It is not possible to get inside through the virtual map. Has access been blocked?

A typical example of backrooms is endless empty corridors. Photo: Fortnite/Escape The Backrooms

The virtual map reveals more finds!

Google Earth behind-the-scenes footage is spreading fast. On the popular mobile application TikTok, we can find short shots that reveal other mysterious places. Strange shapes, satanic symbols, crashed UFOs, or dead bodies!

One of the biggest discoveries is a wreck with a dead driver who has been missing since 1997. A neighbor comes up with the discovery using his drone.

What’s more terrifying is that after several years of searching, it turns out that the lost car was visible on Google Earth images all along. At this point, we can only guess what else this virtual map will reveal to us.

