Mysterious Knocking: Who was making knocking noises in the middle of nowhere?

Marketa Frydrychova
2 min readMay 26, 2024


What happened in the space more than 20 years ago? Photo: AI-Generated

Imagine you are alone in a tiny spacecraft. It’s your first time there, all alone in endless space. Then suddenly a knocking sound.

That’s what happened to Yang Liwei, China’s first man in space on his maiden flight in 2003.

Astronaut Yang Liwei was sitting in his space shuttle when he repeatedly heard a knock. According to him, it sounded like somebody hammering an iron bucket with a mallet made of wood.

As sound can’t travel in space Liweu couldn’t discern if the knocking was inside the shuttle or outside. Anxious man looked out the porthole but he didn’t see anything that could explain the mysterious knocking.

After returning to Earth the astronaut tried to explain the knocking to experts but he failed to recreate the exact sound he heard in space. The story becomes eerier because many other Chinese astronauts claimed to hear similar sounds on their space trips during 2005 and 2008.

Was the knocking just an echo of one’s mind or a message from extraterrestrial life? Photo: AI-Generated

Are we alone?

Could it be the interplay of one’s mind, which played with the Chinese astronaut in a harrowing silence, or was it a contact with an unknown civilization?

However, Liweu could not see anything or anyone outside. Could it have been an urgent knocking from another dimension?

As I already mentioned, a similar situation also happened to his colleagues in the following years. Was someone or something trying to draw attention to themselves?

It was the same in 1977 in Ohio, when WOW! signal that some believe is a call for help. Could the urgent call return years later in the form of a knock? And when should we appreciate the next signal trying to get our attention?

