Medipure: Shaping the Future of Cannabinoid-Based Medicine

6 min readJan 30, 2018


Medipure: Shaping the Future of Cannabinoid-Based Medicine

Vancouver based Medipure Pharmaceuticals Inc. is emerging as the next big player in the medicine industry.

Medipure Pharmaceuticals Inc., based in Vancouver, Canada is emerging as the next big player in the cannabis and cannabinoid based medicine industry.

So much so, that investors are closely eyeing the Canadian political scene for upcoming legislation changes in July 2018. It’s expected that July will mark the official legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Canada, and this will likely make a good deal of progress in making the road less bumpy for increased access to cannabis for therapeutic purposes.

While cannabinoids are found in a handful of existing medicines around the world, Medipure is working on a full spectrum of valuable medicinal uses. Areas of current focus include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Anxiety and mood disorders, persistent dermatological conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis and of-course as a relief from pain.

Already in the early clinical trials, the company has three very promising products that could make big waves in the industry as cannabis companies have already shown impressive growth over the last year.

Pain Relief and Management

Pain relief is, by far, the biggest medicinal market in the world — and for good reason. It can strike anybody. Pain can be a symptom of a disease, such as arthritis. In many cases, it’s the result of an aggressive treatment, such as chemotherapy. Then there are the random, unexpected accidents and injuries that can start a lifelong battle of pain management for the patient. The list is almost endless.

The debilitating nature of enduring pain makes it difficult for patients to function normally. Unfortunately, many widely prescribed medications are also addictive, like those derived from opioids, making their use a double-edged sword. While they are prescribed because they are highly effective, many patients, as well as the medical community at large, fear possible addiction.

Medipure’s cannabis derived MP-10X formulation is currently in clinical trials to assess the effectiveness it has on pain reduction for cancer patients. Absorbed beneath the tongue to reduce the risk of nausea and vomiting, the early trials are well underway. Success in this area could be expanded to include pain management for other chronic and acute conditions as well.

PTSD and Anxiety

Supporters of legalized cannabis have often touted the naturally calming effects of the drug. For several years, scientists and medical professionals have put this claim to the test, on a deeper, psychological level.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which has only gained proper recognition in recent years, is the result of extreme emotional trauma. Such a disorder is often associated with post-combat soldiers, but it also has devastating effects on victims of long term child and spousal abuse and sexual assault victims.

Any person who has been overwhelmed by fear in a situation they cannot control, could be at risk for PTSD. First responders and police officers are just as vulnerable to developing PTSD as the victims of violent crimes. Natural disasters, acts of terror, war and shocking accidents are among some of the root causes.

PTSD is accentuated by recurring nightmares and continual reliving of the traumatizing events. Traditionally, PTSD treatment has turned to anti-anxiety medications, for the similar effect they have on persons suffering from Anxiety disorders.

However, certain cannabinoids have shown success in reducing the painful nightmares and other symptoms. It’s also been used in low doses to help treat recurring anxiety by acting as an anti-stimulant.

Encouraged by existing findings, Medipure is studying the effects of MP-20X to help ease the stress and anxiety that overcome many cancer patients. The development of cannabis based treatments will offer patients more than just a therapeutic remedy, but a chance to feel empowered by their medication rather than dependant on it.

Many patients with mood disorders suffer from a dual diagnosis of addiction to alcohol or street drugs in their attempts to self medicate and ease their emotional burden. However, one patient in the United States, diagnosed with both depression and anxiety, chose to switch to medical marijuana after years of feeling “like a human guinea pig” according to Psychology Today.

Not only was it successful to improve her outlook and ability to have a life, but it helped greatly relieve the heavy withdrawal symptoms associated with her previous medications, particularly nausea and vomiting. These types of results have been fairly common in the industry research, indicating widespread efficiency levels in the ability of cannabinoids to treat major illnesses.

The demand for proactive treatments for mood disorders is at its peak. With an estimated 21.4% of American adults experiencing a mood disorder during adulthood, company’s like Medipure are heeding the call with resourceful solutions utilizing cannabis derived treatments to ease the symptoms without the danger of toxicity or addiction.

Dermatological Applications

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) and Psoriasis are chronic conditions, and have a wide-reaching range. An estimated 20% of American children have Eczema, while, Psoriasis afflicts about 125 million people around the world.

These skin conditions have comparable symptoms, like red, scaly skin. Eczema tends to be itchier, so much to the point a person can scratch themselves into bleeding while asleep. Psoriasis on the other hand, reports burning type sensations.

Both ailments are traditionally treated with topical steroids, which are effective, but come with health risks. Long term use of topical steroids leads to skin atrophy, a thinning of the skin making it more vulnerable to bruising, cuts and so forth. With skin atrophy, the underlying bones, blood and tissue can become noticeable.

Other side effects include fluid retention, particularly in the legs, high blood pressure and weakened and thinning bones. As well, the risk of exposure to others through general contact is more prevalent with any topical medication, putting other family members at risk.

Pharmaceutical Priority

With Dermatitis and Psoriasis being the most widespread dermatological conditions, eliminating the use of steroids for treatments has become a huge priority in the pharmaceutical community. Already, there are hundreds, if not thousands of products on the market, using natural ingredients such as colloidal oatmeal to combat the excessive dryness and dehydration of the affected skin.

Cannabis, particularly hemp seed oil, as a topical treatment, has shown impressive results in not just reducing the conditions of several skin conditions but also making the skin stronger and more resilient.

Following this promising lead, Medipure hopes to get strong results from trials of its own dermatological formula, MP-30X. While there is no cure for either Eczema or Psoriasis, the company is dedicated to providing effective treatment, without the long-term consequences of steroid use.

All eyes will be on Medipure Pharmaceuticals Inc. and its ongoing commitment to provide patients with safe endocannabinoid based treatments that will improve their overall quality of life. While the marijuana plant slowly loses its unwarranted taboo, this company is set to become leaders in the therapeutic use of endocannabinoid medications.

For more information, visit Medipure Pharmaceuticals.

