What Is Moon.Art?

6 min readMay 3, 2022

Moon.Art is a new NFT marketplace where people can buy and sell NFTs in a user-friendly environment even with limited knowledge of the technical aspects of NFTs. If you’re thinking Moon.Art is just another one of the dozens of NFT marketplaces springing up in the industry, you’ll be wrong. It isn’t just a new marketplace for NFTs, it is the marketplace for NFTs.

Moon.Art is the marketplace for NFT enthusiasts who want to trade NFTs in a regulated marketplace that solves the problems of the current NFT marketplaces. Moon.Art helps you not just to save money, but also to earn money. Read on to find out how.

What Makes Moon.Art Unique?

Moon.Art’s unique selling points are built off of the major gaps in the current NFT marketplaces. These gaps form the four core features that make Moon.Art stand out. These are:

  • Regulation
  • Eco-friendliness
  • Inclusiveness
  • Profitability


A lack of regulation is a problem for the current NFT marketplaces. As a result, members of these marketplaces are open to scams and fraudsters. People also steal other people’s creative content, mint them, and sell them on an NFT marketplace. But that’s not the worst of it. These marketplaces can’t trace and find out who these people are because there is no regulation. What this means is that anyone can scam you and get away with it.

On Moon.Art, the stakes are different. For one, it is a regulated marketplace which means that there are structures in place to help people who have been scammed and frauded, and also to checkmate scammers. Most importantly, there are several methods of regulating users on the platform, and these drastically reduce the chances of fraudsters slipping through the tracks.

One of these methods is Moon.Art’s Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure, and people who do not pass the KYC verification process will not be allowed to trade on the market.

The KYC verification method is used by banks and other financial institutions to protect themselves from fraud. Moon.Art’s KYC process requires that potential members submit any information that can be used to verify their identity. So, if a member scams you, they can be tracked. Moon.Art also adopts AML (Anti Money Laundering) standards to further protect assets and investors on the platform.


In addition to all the great things about Moon.Art that sets them apart from the herd of NFT marketplaces, Moon.Art is also built to be eco-friendly. Unlike most other marketplaces, Moon.Art cares about how its operations can affect the environment.

To put the extent of the impact of NFT transactions into perspective, every single transaction on the Ethereum network produces nearly 150kg of carbon dioxide. Multiplying this figure by the hundreds of thousands, even millions, of transactions that occur on Ethereum every day, it is easy to see how quickly these figures can become astronomical.

But Moon.Art isn’t going to let their operations ruin the environment because they are pledged to aid climate protection by balancing the emission equation. To do this Moon.Art will be donating to organizations and programs that specifically handle carbon dioxide sequestration from the atmosphere. To achieve this, Moon.Art is following the prescriptions of the Verified Carbon Standard program.


On Moon.Art, everyone can come along. Whether you have an interest in the technical aspects of NFT trading or all you are concerned about is turning a profit, Moon.Art is the right destination regardless. As opposed to other marketplaces that require that you have some level of technical understanding of blockchain technology, Moon.Art is designed to enable even the most neophyte of investors to trade on the platform.


Most people who are into NFTs are in it for the profits. Moon.Art is aware of this and thus, is set up in a way that helps you maximize profits in a way that other NFT marketplaces do not.

Firstly, Moon.Art charges slightly less in commissions on NFT sales than other NFT marketplaces. While the market average stands between 2.5% to 3%, Moon.Art takes only a 2% fee on the sale of NFTs.

Secondly, through the Moon.Art Keycard initiative, the platform allows its keycard holders access to an extra 50% discount on transaction fees. This cuts down the commissions paid by Moon.Art keycard holders to 1%. And for every extra keycard you hold, you get an additional 5% discount. That gives holders of two Moon.Art keycards a discount of 55% on transaction fees, and so on. The impact of these layered discounts is that, depending on how many keycards you hold, you may end up transacting on the platform without having to pay anything in commissions to the Moon.Art marketplace.

Lastly, Moon.Art gives away a share of some of its profits to keycard holders. Moon.Art promises a 50% cashback to all keycard holders on all the money the platform makes from transaction fees. So if you own one Moon.Art keycard, you are entitled to 1/20,000 of the money earned by Moon.Art from transaction fees. To benefit from these payouts, you need to stake your keycards first. You can then claim your reward after the unstaking period. The entire payout will be done in a corresponding cryptocurrency.

Advantages of Using Moon.Art Marketplace

Moon.Art marketplace has a few benefits that no other NFT marketplace has such as regulation and safety protocols. Below are four reasons why you should be using Moon.Art:

  • Supports a Variety of Blockchain Networks

One of the drawbacks of using other NFT marketplaces is that many of them depend solely on Ethereum to trade NFTs because of Ethereum’s popularity in the NFT space. Unfortunately, Ethereum gas fees are the highest of any blockchain, thus raising the barrier of entry into the NFT space for many people.

With Moon.Art, other blockchain networks with significantly lesser transaction fees are supported. This allows more people to trade on the marketplace using the plethora of options that Moon.Art offers.

This means that you can mint and trade NFTs on other blockchain networks like Binance Smart Chain, Cardano, Polygon, Solana, and so on.

  • Supports Other Payment Options

If you’ve ever wished to buy NFTs with just your credit card, you are in luck because Moon.Art allows you to do just that. On Moon.Art, you do not have to set up complicated cryptocurrency wallets to buy NFTs. You can simply buy NFTs with your everyday fiat currencies.

  • Usability

Usability is an essential part of using any NFT marketplace and Moon.Art understands this. One of the reasons why many people have a hard time using Web3 applications is the way they’re set up. Some people spend half of their time trying to figure out what to click and how to get what they want.

It’s different on Moon.Art. Usability is high on their list and they care about everyone, hence the platform’s intuitive UI/UX design which makes the onboarding process for new users seamless.

  • The Moon.Art Keycard

Moon.Art has a great idea for a wonderful marketplace and not only is their idea great, but the implementation is also fantastic. But what really stands out is how customer-centric they are and one of the quickest ways to prove that is through the Moon.Art Keycard.

The Moon.Art Keycard is a card that grants its holders lifetime access to extra benefits. Some of these include:

  • A discount of 50% on trading fees on the Moon.Art marketplace, with an extra 5% discount on each additional keycard held
  • A share of 50% of the income that Moon.Art earns from trading fees
  • Early Access to beta versions of the Moon.Art app

How can you get the keycard?

Firstly, not everyone can get a Moon.Art keycard because it is quite rare. There will be a maximum of only 10,000 keycards in existence. Keycard holders for Moon.Art are exclusive and your ability to obtain one of these keycards is contingent first on your KYC results. After completing the KYC process successfully, you may then be eligible to acquire a keycard during the public mint. Out of the 10,000 keycards that are in excistence, 8,000 of them will be sold to users at the public mint.


To conclude, Moon.Art is an NFT marketplace like none other before it. It not only provides the best of NFT trading services, but it also has the best of people working on the team behind its implementation. If you are thinking about finding the ideal marketplace to kickstart your NFT trading career, you will be hard-pressed to find a better destination than the Moon.Art NFT marketplace.

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World’s first regulated, eco-friendly and community driven NFT-Marketplace.