How to drive traffic with adult native network?
Native ad format is very popular among webmasters as menmet is eye-catching and less aggressive, and native ads can bypass banner blindness, which directly affects the result.
The adult niche is one of the most competitive and popular niches to work in because adult content is relevant anytime, anywhere. But in some regions this niche is prohibited and there are restrictions on its advertising on the Internet.
If you are engaged in adal traffic and work with native advertising, then this article is for you. Here we will talk about the Traffic Factory advertising network and set up an advertising campaign in the practical part.
We discuss this topic in more detail in our video:
Traffic Factory — advertising network.
This is a premium ad network that operates and has expertise in adult traffic. One of the features of Traffic Factory is an advanced self-service RTB platform with 6 billion impressions per day.
For more information about this ad network and how to set up an advertising campaign step by step, see our video.