Project DELTA’s visit to UNESCO Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand on August 15th.

Project DELTA
Project DELTA
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2018
From left to right: Toan Dang, Project assistant; Nyi Nyi Thaung, Programme Specialist; Josh Choi, CMO and Ryan Kim CSO at Project DELTA and finally, Ichiro Miyazawa, Programme Specialist at UNESCO.

The Project DELTA team has been touring around Southeast Asia to hold meetings with international organizations as well as UN agencies. Last August 15th, we visited a UNESCO branch in Bangkok, Thailand.

UNESCO counts with a variety of valuable information contained in reports and statistical data; however, since it is not structured, it is hard to utilize effectively. Considering there is no tool to enable users to extract and find core information from their knowledge source, UNESCO became very interested in Project DELTA’s proposal.

Additionally, UNESCO discussed the possibility of co-working with our project through the “Knowledge Hub” and create cases where actual coins can be used.

Since UNESCO plans to use blockchain technology to create more opportunities for children with no access to education, we hope to collaborate shortly to produce content suitable for school programs in the local language.

Before Project DELTA’s beta service launching in the first quarter of next year, we hope to continue further discussions with UNESCO and start working hand in hand on projects for social benefit.

If you have any further questions about Project DELTA, please join our Telegram community or visit our website to join our White list!

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Cheers, Project DELTA

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세번째가 바로 유네스코 방문인데요. 유네스코 내부에도 보고서, 통계자료 등 다양한 지식 정보가 있지만 정형화된 정보형태로 쉽게 검색 가능한 툴이 제공되어 있지 않기에, 델타팀의 프로젝트에 큰 관심을 보여주었습니다.

또한 유네스코는 프로젝트 델타가 만드는 첫번째 Dapp인 지식허브를 통하여 서로 상생할 수 있겠다는 토의를 하며 유네스코 프로젝트를 통해 실제 코인이 사용되는 사례를 구축 할 수도 있다는 결론에 도달하였습니다.

유네스코가 기초교육을 받지 못하는 어린이들을 위한 교육 프로젝트에 블록체인을 활용하고자 하는 계획을 갖고 있었기에, 지식허브라는 델타의 프로젝트와 많은 접점이 있을 것으로 기대하고 실제 활용 사례를 구축할 수 있도록 협력하기로 하였습니다

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