“The Faces Behind Project Delta”

Project DELTA
Project DELTA
Published in
1 min readMay 28, 2018

We’re making it official! Meet the team responsible for the “2018 Project Delta”.

델타 프로젝트 멤버들을 소개합니다 !
멋지고 책임감있는 델타 프로젝트 맴버들 한번 만나볼까요?

Aside from incredibly good-looking, our team is composed of professionals with vast knowledge in the Block-chain Industry. So don’t hesitate to reach out and ask us about Delta, we will gladly respond to your inquiries!

Project Delta Facebook Page

Project Delta Twitter Account


The Project Delta Team

Visit our website: projectdelta.io

델타 홈페이지에 방문해주세요: projectdelta.io

