What is OKR and What are its Benefits?

2 min readSep 28, 2022


The OKR system is a simple but effective way to measure and track progress and results in organizations. It was first developed by Intel in the 1970s and has since been adopted by several companies around the world.

Understanding What is OKR

To understand what is OKR it is crucial to know what they do to your organization. They help focus and align everyone in the organization around the most important things. They allow for easy and effective tracking of progress, and encourage and motivate employees to achieve results.

Components of OKR

  • Objectives
  • Key results
  • Initiatives

Benefits of OKR

  • Target focused
  • Employees alignment
  • Player commitment
  • Tracker
  • Flexibility
  • Accountability
  • Employee engagement
  • Goal achievement

Summing It Up

Given all the advantages listed above, it might seem like the objectives and Key Results are too good to be true. Undoubtedly, setting such goals is worthwhile. Most likely, the strategy would win over your coworkers. But they’re also not that simple to adopt properly, and it would take a lot of work from your team to execute it well. There is one tool, however, that can make your organizations achieve goals faster with proper OKR methodology. PerformanceUp by 500apps is the futuristic OKR management tool with every feature designed to provide tailor-made solutions to your goal achievement requirements. Furthermore, the application provides you with access to 50+ applications that meet all your business requirements, from sales and marketing to development and collaboration.

