The ClearMoon Network - The Gold Standard in Defi Education

The ClearMoon Network
4 min readJun 17, 2021

A short story

Imagine the Wild West...

Investors are arriving from far and wide, travelling from the big city of Binance and navigating from the safe shores of Coinbase - making the trek through the crypto desert and into a town known locally as DeFi.

DeFi is one intimidating place. There are shady gunslinger bandits (rugpulls), promiscuous ladies of the night (honeypots) and cutthroats (scammers). The landscape is littered with them.

Investors are scared but they love it, they’ve been told there’s gold in these here hills. They’ve taken their bags with their few precious riches (BNB), but they know they're not safe. DeFi has already robbed them numerous times.

Tired and weary they stumble into a saloon. Relief washes over them, they've found the one safe and civilized place in town.

That saloon is the ClearMoon Network.

Who we are

The ClearMoon Network is an innovator in DeFi education. Whilst our short story may have been humorous the current DeFi market is certainly not. It is a dangerous space for both new and existing investors; fraught with rugpulls, honeypots and people with malicious intent.

The Academy

We at the ClearMoon Network are dedicated to making the DeFi space safer. This will be achieved through the creation of our ClearMoon Academy.

The Academy is an educational platform - promoting a viral campaign on TikTok as well as enlisting successful, high energy YouTubers to host our educational videos. One unique aspect to this strategy is that our performers aren't just your everyday paid shills. These are people who share in our vision and believe in our project as much as we do. As such they will become our Ambassadors and will form the cornerstone of our community as we grow and develop.

In addition to our Ambassadors, we will be partnering with celebrities and other well-known influencers to help promote the virality of our content. Ultimately we want to make DeFi education accessible to all.

ClearMoon Academy deeper dive

So, now we’ve introduced our Academy and its structure, let’s take a deeper dive and examine some of the curriculum we will be providing.

Our syllabus will contain topics ranging from beginner to intermediate level, covering both technical analysis and fundamental principles.

Such topics include:

  • How to set up an account with DEX and CEX exchanges.
  • How to secure your account and ensure you are using the safest exchanges.
  • How to add money to your wallet on a DEX or CEX.
  • How to interact with multiple exchanges. Clearmoon Network will be cross-chain across multiple blockchains.
  • How to spot rug-pulls and honeypots.
  • How to verify a team's legitimacy when choosing an investment.
  • Performing your own due diligence (DYOR) on a project.

In our opinion the phrase 'DYOR' has become meaningless to the majority of investors. They know what it stands for, yet have no idea of how to execute it. The nefarious projects know this and use it to their advantage, exploiting the vulnerable and taking investors hard earned money.

Change is long overdue. Our Academy will give the average investor the knowledge, tools and abilities required to navigate and overcome these murky waters.

A clearer future

The ClearMoon Network is seriously ambitious. The Academy will provide the foundation from which we will grow and expand at an exponential rate. It really is just the first milestone on a very exciting journey.

Our team is highly talented, extremely motivated and fuelled by a desire to succeed. However, we wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for our community. This is why we strive for our members to grow with us, both in knowledge and in wealth.

Our path to success

We know our future's going to be inspiring, but we want you to feel inspired too. Here's a sneak peek of what we have in store so you can feel just as excited as we are!


  • Harmony (ONE) LP creation
  • First CEX exchange listing -
  • Our Litepaper release with additional Doxxed team members
  • LLC Registration
  • Bridging to
  • New brand identity and website
  • The official launch of the ClearMoon Academy
  • Targeting 20k Twitter followers by EOM


  • Our Twitterstorm begins - the official launch of our viral marketing campaign
  • The introduction of our ClearMoon Ambassadors to the community
  • Unveiling our first YouTube series on DeFi education
  • Major CEX listing
  • Massive social media expansion - targeting 200k Twitter followers and 5 Ambassadors by EOM


  • Our top secret ICO drop
  • Revealing our top secret asset acquisition
  • The expansion of our Academy - releasing our multilingual curriculum to reach the entire world
  • The march to 1 Billion MC

We said we're ambitious and we weren't lying. We fully expect to hit each and every one of our targets, empowering and educating our community as we do.

We’d love to have you alongside us. Join us at our official Telegram channel and start your journey today.



The ClearMoon Network

We are a community-driven viral networking project dedicated to Crypto Education in DeFi.