A Comprehensive Analysis of Colleges Offering PGDM Data Science and Business Analytics Courses

Narayana Business School
8 min readMay 3, 2024
Data Science Analysis
A Comprehensive Analysis of Colleges Offering PGDM Data Science and Business Analytics Courses


In the current data driven era, the urge for skilled professionals in data science and business analytics is climbing high. Pursuing a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) specializing in this discipline has become a key to profitable career opportunities. However, with too many options of colleges offering such programs, it’s necessary to conduct a thorough analysis to choose the best one. In this blog, we will go into detail into the landscape of colleges offering PGDM courses in Data Science and Business Analytics, providing valuable insights for ambitious students.

Understanding the Importance of PGDM in Data Science and Business Analytics

PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) has a significant place in today’s job market, especially when it is related to the field of data science and business analytics. This diploma gives students a combination of managerial skills and technical expertise, making them highly recognized professionals in several industries.

- Defining PGDM and its significance in the contemporary job market

  • Defining PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management)? It is a postgraduate program offered by Indian colleges for one to two years. Like a master’s degree in job market, known for its industry focus, practical learning through case studies and projects, and adjustable choices such as part-time or online formats for working professionals.
  • Significance of PGDM in Data Science and Business Analytics:

The significance of PGDM in Data Science and Business Analytics is immense in the job market. Here’s why it grasps significant place:

  • Demanding Skills: The curriculum provides you with the technical skills (machine learning, programming) and business awareness (data visualization, marketing analytics) necessary for data science and business analytics roles.
  • Career Advancement: Graduates with a PGDM in this field are well-placed to fix their positions in high-yielding sectors like IT, finance, healthcare, and consulting.
  • Competitive Edge: The skills acquired through a PGDM program can give you a significant edge in a competitive job market.

- The growing significance of data science and business analytics in various industries

Data science and business analytics are increasingly important across various industries. They allow well — informed decision-making, optimize processes, and encourage innovation. Companies depend on these disciplines to grasp insights from data, improve efficiency, and stay competitive in a data driven job market.

- How a specialized PGDM program prepares students for the challenges of these fields

A specialized PGDM program furnishes students with the necessary skills to solve challenges in data science and business analytics. Through practical training, industry-oriented coursework, and practical experience, students learn to analyze difficult data, grasp actionable insights, and make informed decisions, confirming they are well-prepared for the demands of these fields.

2. Factors to Consider When Choosing a College

  • Curriculum Importance

Curriculum is the vital factors when you are selecting a college for PGDM Data Science and Business Analytics. An effective curriculum should cover a wide range of topics like data analysis techniques, machine learning algorithms, data visualization, big data analytics, and business intelligence. It should also integrate firsthand-on projects, case studies, and industry-related assignments to give practical knowledge to students.

  • Faculty Expertise

The experience and proficient faculty members play an important role in the quality of education provided. Colleges with proficient faculty members who have a good background in data science, analytics, and relevant industry experience can offer invaluable insights, mentorship, and guidance to students. Moreover, guest lectures and workshops conducted by industry experts further build up the learning experience.

  • Experienced Faculties

An institute’s faculty composition notably impacts the quality of education imparted. Institutes with a blend of experienced academicians and industry professionals can give you a skilful learning experience. Experienced faculties bring real-world example and insights, case studies, and industry links into the classroom, enhancing students’ learning and making them ready for the challenges of the industry.

  • Industry Partnerships

Colleges that have good and strong partnerships with industry leaders, organizations, and analytics firms provide priceless advantages to students. These partnerships can lead to internship opportunities, live projects, industry mentorship programs, and guest lectures by industry experts. Such partnerships bridge the gap between study and industry, confirming that students are well-prepared for the professional world.

  • Placement Assistance

One of the major goals of doing a PGDM in Data Science and Business Analytics is to get promising job opportunities post-graduation. Therefore, colleges that offer potent placement assistance programs, career counselling, resume building workshops, and networking opportunities with recruiters are highly favourable. A good track record of placements in well-known companies is also a positive indicator of an institute’s reliability.

  • Alumni Network

The power and involvement of an institute’s alumni network can also be a vital factor in selecting college for PGDM Data Science and Business Analytics. A strong alumni network can provide cherished career guidance, networking opportunities, mentorship, and industry connections. Institutes that actively involve with their alumni community through alumni meets, webinars, and networking events developed a supportive ecosystem for current students and graduates alike.

Premier Colleges Offering PGDM in Data Science and Business Analytics

Institute 1: Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs)

  • Overview: They are famous for their strong academic programs as well as industry reputation. It has PGDM programs in Business Analytics or Data Analytics, with a major focus on the application of data science techniques especially for business decision-making.
  • Curriculum: It points out core data science skills such as statistics, machine learning, and programming (Python, R), including business analytics subjects like marketing analytics, financial analytics, and business strategy.
  • Faculty: IIMs pride with their highly educated faculty with strong academic credentials and research experience. Some may have industry experience as well.
  • Industry Partnerships: IIMs have well developed partnerships with top branded companies across different industries, offering guest lectures, case studies, and potential internship opportunities.
  • Placement Assistance: IIMs have unique placement records, with graduates securing positions in top data science and business analytics roles across different sectors.
  • Alumni Network: The IIM alumni network is huge and well-connected, providing priceless mentorship and career support to graduates.

Institute 2: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata

  • Overview: A leading institute for statistical research and training, ISI Kolkata provide a PGDM in Business Analytics that emphasizes strong foundations in statistics and quantitative analysis.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum concentrates mainly on statistical modeling, time series analysis, econometrics, and optimization techniques, including with important data science skills like machine learning and programming.
  • Faculty: ISI Kolkata brag some of the brightest minds in statistics and data science, confirming a strong theoretical foundation for graduates.
  • Industry Partnerships: Industry partnerships are actively sought, but the limelight is more towards research collaboration than internships.
  • Placement Assistance: The placement assists graduates in getting secured positions in data-driven roles, especially those requiring strong statistical expertise.
  • Alumni Network: The alumni network is well-developed and consists of eminent data scientists, statisticians, and researchers in various fields.

Institute 3: Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)

  • Overview: IITs are famed for their outstanding engineering and technology programs. Mostly all IITs provide PGDM programs in Data Science or Business Analytics, utilizing their powerful technical expertise.
  • Curriculum: Their curriculum mainly focusses on the technical aspects of data science, inclusive of machine learning algorithms, deep learning, big data technologies (Hadoop, Spark), and programming languages like Python and R.
  • Faculty: Their faculty mostly consists of highly experienced computer scientists, data scientists, and engineers, giving a strong technical foundation. Some may have industry experience as well.
  • Industry Partnerships: IITs often have powerful industry partnerships, offering guest lectures, case studies, and potential internship opportunities with leading technology companies.
  • Placement Assistance: The placement record in data science and business analytics roles is powerful, with graduates being recruited by top-notch tech companies and data-driven organizations.
  • Alumni Network: The IIT alumni network is ample, with a growing segment focused on data science and related fields, offering important connections.

Institute 4: Narayana Business School, Ahmedabad

  • Overview: A famous business school, Narayana Business School offers a PGDM in Business Analytics that bridges the gap between technical skills and business insights.
  • Curriculum: It balances, main data science concepts with practical business applications. They prepare graduates to analyze data and translate insights into actionable business strategies.
  • Faculty: Their faculty comprises of combination of academic experts and experienced data science professionals, confirming a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical guidance.
  • Industry Partnerships: Narayana Business School actively seeks industry partnerships, offering guest lectures and potential internship opportunities with data-driven companies.
  • Placement Assistance: The placement group assists graduates in securing positions in data analytics and business intelligence roles across diverse industries.
  • Alumni Network: The alumni network is growing, with a focus on developing connections to professionals in data science and business analytics roles.

What sets Narayana Business School apart as the ideal choice for a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) in Data Science and Business Analytics?

Narayana Business School
Narayana Business School

Narayan Business School (NBS), a leading institution providing a combination of PGDM in Data Science and Business Analytics. NBS stands out for its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty members, powerful industry partnerships, powerful placement assistance, and active alumni network.

  • Curriculum: NBS’s PGDM Data Science and Business Analytics program cover a wide range of topics such as statistical analysis, predictive modeling, machine learning, big data analytics, data visualization, business intelligence, and data-driven decision-making. The curriculum is created in collaboration with industry specialists to confirm Connection and alignment with industry essential.
  • Faculty Expertise: At NBS has a team of experienced faculty members and consists of educationist with research expertise and industry professionals with A unique blend of hands-on experience in data science, analytics, and related domains. Guest lectures, workshops, and industry interactions are essential parts of the learning experience at NBS.
  • Industry Partnerships: NBS has strong partnerships with famous companies, analytics firms, and industry associations. These partnerships promote industry-driven projects, internships, and placement opportunities for students. NBS also link with industry experts to design specialized training modules and workshops.
  • Placement Assistance: NBS gives personalized placement assistance to its students. Such as, resume building workshops, mock interviews, career counselling sessions, and industry networking events. The institute has a good record of placements alumni famous companies across different sectors.
  • Alumni Network: NBS has a lively and engaged alumni network that is spanning across industries and regions. The institute comprises of alumni meets, webinars, and networking events to promotes alumni-student confinement, mentorship opportunities, and knowledge sharing.


In today’s data-oriented era, a PGDM in Data Science and Business Analytics is a key to career enhancement. But with innumerable options, choosing the right institution is important. This blog explores the significance of this PGDM and what to consider when selecting a college.

Factors like a proficient curriculum, experienced faculty, strong industry connections, placement assistance, and an active alumni network are important. We display Narayana Business School as an example, highlighting its strengths in these areas.

Remember, a well-informed decision is key. By considering the factors mentioned, you can choose the PGDM program that drives you towards a successful career in data-driven decision making.



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