A Deep Dive into the $MBZ Token: Everything You Need to Know

3 min readDec 15, 2021


The film industry is frequently attributed to innovation and advancement. Although the industry is just a century old, film production and distribution processes have evolved considerably throughout the years. The global film and video industry was worth roughly $234.9 billion in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.4% since 2015. From the invention of sound in the 1920s through Hollywood’s Golden Age, today’s dizzying CGI effects exhibited on 8k displays with 3D Surround Sound are a universe apart.

However, there is one area that hasn’t altered greatly — movie fundraising. Unless your amazing movie proposal gets commissioned by one of the large studios, it’s difficult to get an indie picture to market. In reality, only films with substantial backing make it to the box office, whereas those with little or no backing fail miserably.

As a solution, we introduced MovieBiz Coin to provide investment opportunities within the film industry to create movies that will inspire. Using blockchain technology, MovieBiz Coin provides investors, actors, and directors access to fundraising for movies in the most decentralized way.

Our primary goal at MovieBiz Coin is to launch a film-making investment hub through blockchain where producers can tokenize their movies. We also aim to tokenize the industry and the projects within the entertainment space, giving an equal opportunity to all filmmakers.

Nonetheless, the key component of the platform is the $MBZ token, the platform’s native cryptocurrency. $MBZ is a multi-utility token used within the ecosystem to fundraise for films and purchase cinema tickets. Users will also be able to stake $MBZ once the option is provided. So, with that as a backdrop, let’s go into the nitty-gritty of $MBZ’s tokenomics.

Tokenomics: Allocation & Vesting

$MBZ token’s total supply is 410 million, to be allocated for various purposes, in the following proportions:

  • Pool and staking rewards (35%): 143.5 Million tokens will contribute to the pool and staking rewards within the MovieBiz Coin ecosystem, facilitating passive income.
  • Token Sale (35%): 143.5 Million tokens will be utilized for bootstrapping the initial funding for the project’s development.
  • Team (7%): 28.7 Million tokens will serve to remunerate the team at MovieBiz Coin, for their dedicated time, efforts, and contributions towards building the ecosystem.
  • Advisors (3%): 12.3 Million tokens will remunerate the deep expertise and support offered by the project’s advisors.
  • Development & Marketing (20%): 82 Million tokens will be used for developing the ecosystem further and marketing for wider adoption.

$MBZ Token Proceeds Allocation

  • Regulatory, legal, and compliances — 5%
  • Business operating cost — 20%
  • Liquidity in exchanges — 25%
  • IT and infrastructure development — 20%
  • Marketing — 40%

$MBZ Token Use Cases

  • Governance: $MBZ will be used as a governance token. The token holders will have the right to vote on upgrades and development decisions on MovieBiz Coin.
  • Providing Liquidity: Everyone with $MBZ tokens can add liquidity to pools to earn token rewards. Users can buy $MBZ on exchanges to provide liquidity to pools that are available with high trading volume.
  • Fundraising for films: $MBZ will be the primary component of MovieBiz Coin as they will be used for raising funds for movies.
  • Buying movie tickets: $MBZ will also be used to buy movie tickets for films presented through MovieBiz Coin.

We are establishing a tiered vesting schedule in addition to the community-oriented allocation approach to increase investor confidence and responsibility. The pool and staking rewards, as well as development and marketing, will vest over a 36-month period. Even the team and advisors vesting would be for a 12 to 26 months period.

Finally, we’d like to announce our IEO, which is already live on Coinsbit and will run from December 14th to December 21st. Our goal for MovieBizCoin is to help independent filmmakers with unique, compelling, and powerful stories as well as make films that contribute to society. We also aim to get their films funded, along with creating a marketplace where content is showcased instantly to a trusted global community of buyers.

Ultimately, we aim to become a global catalyst that brings projects to completion, enriching people’s lives with content that not only captivates or entertains but also inspires.




MovieBizCoin is one platform for investors, producers, talent seekers who want to be in the film industry. https://www.moviebizcoin.com/