From Fine-Tuning to Semantic Vector Search: Strategies for Building Conversational AI

5 min readSep 6, 2023


Dive into the dynamic evolution of AI chatbot design, from fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) to the incorporating of semantic vector search. Discover how these methodologies synergize when combined and how businesses can leverage cloud-based solutions to deploy cutting-edge chatbots effortlessly.


In the age of digitalization, the role of AI chatbots in customer service has surged in prominence. As businesses constantly look for ways to enhance customer experience and streamline operations, AI-driven chatbots have emerged as a game-changing tool. But as with any rapidly advancing technology, the landscape is varied and constantly evolving. For businesses seeking to harness the potential of AI chatbots, understanding the methodologies available becomes not just beneficial, but necessary.

AI chatbots differ in their approaches to providing solutions. While some rely on fine-tuning existing models, others employ real-time semantic search, and yet some others combine these methodologies. As we venture into this exploration, we begin with the foundational approach that set the stage for the evolution of chatbots.

The Foundation: Fine-tuning (Adapted LLM)

The late 2010s marked a significant evolution in the realm of natural language processing with the advent of large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT series and Google’s BERT. These models, pre-trained on vast swaths of the internet, brought an unprecedented understanding of language, context, and nuance. Adding to this lineage, OpenAI released ChatGPT in late 2022, further refining the capabilities of LLMs specifically for conversational applications.

Businesses quickly recognized the potential of these LLMs for customer service applications. Instead of building chatbots from scratch, they could leverage the broad knowledge of these models and tailor them to their specific needs. This process, known as fine-tuning, involved training the pre-existing LLM on domain-specific datasets, infusing the chatbot with the company’s unique tone, policies, and expertise.

Figure 1: The Traditional Approach: Fine-tuning for Adapted LLM in Customer Service Chatbots

Instant Insights from Semantic Vector Search

Before the late 2010s, significant strides were already being made in the representation of words as vectors. Word2Vec, introduced by Google in 2013, was among the pioneers that could capture semantic meaning in dense vectors, allowing for powerful operations like vector arithmetic to find semantic relationships between words. This was soon followed by other models like GloVe and FastText. These models set the foundation for transforming textual data into a vector space, enabling rapid and semantically relevant searches.

With the advent of Semantic Vector Search in the realm of AI chatbots, real-time responsiveness took center stage. Instead of solely relying on pre-defined knowledge from fine-tuning, chatbots could now dynamically search a vast array of documents to find the most relevant information for a user’s query. This method leverages the power of the aforementioned word embeddings to convert entire documents into vectors and then search within this vector space to fetch real-time results.

Figure 2: Innovating with Real-time Insights: Semantic Vector Search in AI Chatbot Interactions

Combined Approach: Melding Fine-tuning and Semantic Vector Search

As AI chatbots advanced in their functionalities, the field saw a convergence of innovations that sought to amalgamate the strengths of both the fine-tuning and semantic vector search techniques.

In this combined methodology, the foundational large language model (LLM) is first fine-tuned with domain-specific data, ensuring it aligns well with the business’s unique context and requirements. This provides the chatbot with a depth of understanding and the capability to generate nuanced responses tailored to the specific industry or company.

However, to address real-time queries more effectively and to tap into the most recent information, a semantic vector search layer is integrated. By converting customer queries into semantic vectors, the system can rapidly search across a vast array of documents or databases. Once relevant information is identified, it’s fed into the fine-tuned LLM, which crafts a well-formed response, integrating the newly found data.

This harmonization offers businesses a chatbot that combines in-depth knowledge with the flexibility to adapt to ever-changing customer inquiries.

Simplifying the Journey with Cloud

Implementing this combined approach requires understanding of both techniques, computational resources, and ongoing management. To streamline this, businesses can do well to choose a cloud solution. In this setup, businesses supply their domain-specific documents, and the cloud infrastructure handles the intricacies of model fine-tuning and semantic vector search integration.

Figure 3: Combining Fine-tuning and Semantic Vector Search in Customer Service AI Chatbots — a Cloud-based Approach

Comparison at a Glance

The following is a summary of the various methodologies, each with its unique set of advantages and challenges.

Table 1: An Overview of Fine-tuning and Semantic Vector Search Techniques

The dynamic world of AI chatbots is a testament to the relentless pursuit of innovation in customer service. As methodologies evolve, businesses have a plethora of choices to enhance customer interaction, streamline operations, and stay ahead of the curve. However, the key lies in understanding these choices, their implications, and their fit within an organization’s broader strategy. Embracing change, being adaptable, and keeping the customer at the center of all decisions will ensure that your chatbot journey is both successful and impactful.

About Us

At Adpost, we believe in the power of transformative technology to redefine customer experiences. As pioneers in the realm of AI, we specialize in offering cutting-edge chatbot solutions tailored for customer service. But we don’t just stop there. Recognizing the dynamic needs of modern businesses, we’ve taken our offerings to the cloud, ensuring scalable, accessible, and efficient solutions for enterprises of all sizes.

Our expertise lies not just in harnessing the potential of AI but in simplifying its complexity for our clients. By integrating techniques such as fine-tuning and semantic vector search, we craft chatbot solutions that are not only intelligent but also responsive and relevant. With Adpost, businesses can expect a seamless blend of technological excellence and intuitive design, all geared towards enhancing customer interactions.

Join us in our journey as we continue to push the boundaries of AI chatbot solutions, reshaping the future of customer service one interaction at a time. Discover the potential of Adpost AI chatbot solutions or stay ahead with the latest advancements by subscribing to our updates.




Classifieds, Marketplace, and AI Chatbot Solutions | As seen on Associated Press, Marketwatch, MENAFN