Robodex Joins Chainlink BUILD Program to Propel Web3 Adoption With Automated DEX Liquidity Management

3 min readDec 22, 2022


We’re excited to announce that Robodex is officially joining the Chainlink BUILD program. As a part of BUILD, we aim to accelerate ecosystem growth and long-term adoption of our next-generation decentralized exchange (DEX) with built-in, automated liquidity management services for liquidity providers (LPs). This is achieved by gaining enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-leading oracle services and technical support, enabling us to unlock considerable value-add functionality. In exchange, we will make a commitment to provide network fees and other benefits to the Chainlink community and service providers, including stakers.

Robodex: Empowering DEX Liquidity Providers With Automated Liquidity Management

Robodex’s mission is to evolve the fundamental mechanics and mathematics of automated market making so that DEX liquidity providers are not guaranteed to suffer impermanent loss. Robodex enables the potential for significant alpha on LPs’ staked value, irrespective of received trading fees.

There has been a wide variety of innovation in DEXes around trading and the structuring of derivatives. Despite this, impermanent loss remains a large problem in this space. Our re-envisioning, coupled with decentralised, automated top-tier pool management tools, will form the basis for this next-generation DEX.

Why We Joined Chainlink BUILD

Robodex joined BUILD as Chainlink’s infrastructure provides reliable and safe decentralised utilities that will unlock considerable value-add functionality. As part of BUILD, Robodex will receive key benefits, including access to and integration of hyper-reliable Automation nodes through Chainlink Automation, on-chain data security through Chainlink Data Feeds, and access to new Chainlink product alpha and beta releases, among other benefits.

In exchange for these services, Robodex will make 3% of its total token supply at launch available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers, over a period of time. These mutually aligned economic incentives enable both communities to support one another.

“We’re thrilled to be joining the Chainlink BUILD program. The enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-standard services, and support from Chainlink Labs, is helping us to build Robodex, which will greatly empower liquidity providers. We do this without adding layers of complex hedging — that themselves introduce risk. Innovation like ours work best in thriving ecosystems that include leading programs and protocols, and we welcome the passionate Chainlink community into the Robodex ecosystem.” — Matthew Willetts, Co-Founder and CEO of Robodex

ChainML, a protocol working to extend the power of blockchains through AI, machine learning, and other data-rich computations, is a partner of Robodex and has been a participant in Chainlink BUILD since November of this year.

“We are excited that Robodex is a part of the Chainlink BUILD program. Their vision of intelligent DEXes that manage portfolios intelligently is exciting, and we’re excited to partner with them and Chainlink Labs as they enable real-time models to benefit DeFi customers.” — Ron Bodkin, Co-Founder and CEO ChainML

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform and has enabled trillions of dollars in transaction volume across DeFi, insurance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications with seamless access to real-world data and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provides global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About Robodex

Following a pre-seed led by a Tier 1 Silicon Valley Venture Fund in June 2022, Co-Founders Matthew Willetts and Christian Harrington are leading the build of the protocol. Exiting stealth mode, and going to testnet with a whitepaper publication in the first quarter of 2023. Robodex is also partnered with ChainML as the promise of on-chain ML compute brings considerable benefits to the platform.

