Apply these 8 secret techniques to improve your webinars

Minal Patel
4 min readSep 1, 2017


Would you like some tips for hosting webinars? I’ve hosted a few, and what I noticed is that it’s not quite a straightforward as pressing the go button! But don’t worry, I’ve got 8 techniques that I use to make sure my webinars hit the mark every time.

Secret technique 1: address a need

When you decide to host a webinar, think about what need you’re addressing. By understanding what people want to know, you’ll create a webinar that your target audience will want to attend. Think about the types of questions your customers ask you the most. Can you turn those questions into one or more webinars? If a few customers are asking those questions, you can be sure others will be wondering about the same things.

Secret technique 2: you need a promotional plan

One of the things you’ll worry the most about is how many people register. So, you need to have a good promotional plan that will help you spread the word about your webinar. Think about all the places you can promote your webinar; places you own and those owned by others. Next, think about all the assets you need — images, videos, and text. Finally, create a schedule so you don’t forget all the places you want to promote.

Secret technique 3: work with a partner

Small Business Saturday

If you don’t have a huge social media following or email list, think about working with a partner. Is there a business that would love to share your webinar with their audience? Does that partner have a big social media following and email list? If yes, approach them and discuss with them why your webinar would be perfect for their audience. If they love adding value to their audience, they’ll snap you up straight away! The lovely folks at Small Business Saturday are helping me!

Secret technique 4: create a kick-ass registration page

Tips for hosting webinars

People need to know what’s in it for them by attending your webinar. So, make your registration page clear about what people will learn. You’ll set up your registration page on the webinar platform you use, which can often be limited in terms of layout. So, use clever formatting, such as bullet points and bold text to give your registration page impact. Finally, make sure you’re concise. We’re all busy small business owners; make it easy for people to understand what you’re offering.

Secret technique 5: practice, practice, practice

Even if you’re a confident presenter, practicing your content is a sensible thing to do. You’ll spot things you want to change, or say differently because you’re focused on how to deliver it. If you’re a presenting newbie, practicing will give you confidence. Then make sure you have a run-through using the webinar software you’ve chosen. Get familiar with all the controls so you don’t have to work them out on the day.

Secret technique 6: get some questions ready

Do you know what? We’re sometimes a reserved lot. Whilst I always tell my webinar attendees that there are no stupid questions, they don’t always ask them. What I’ve learned is to prepare some questions you think they will ask in advance. (Now I really am giving my trade secrets away!) If you don’t immediately get questions from the audience, refer to the ones you prepared (Blue Peter style!)

Secret technique 7: written instructions

You have a lot to think about when you’re delivering a webinar. That’s why you need to make things easy for yourself. One way I’ve found to do that is to write myself instructions. I have sticky notes that remind me that I need to hit the record button, to share my screen, to stop recording and to end the webinar before I say anything that wasn’t in the plan. I learned that the hard way!

Secret technique 8: get ready early

You need to be ready to start on time. So, get yourself ready half an hour before the time your webinar will begin. This will give you a chance to get yourself a glass of water (I really recommend this), get settled and make sure you have everything you need for the duration of the webinar. Once you’re online and talking, you’re stuck where you are! Once you have everything, log on 5 minutes before the start time to ensure everything is working as it should be.

Well, now you have my 8 secret techniques to hosting the perfect webinar. Online events are a great way to stay in contact with your customers and prospects alike. Why not make them a part of your marketing?

If want to see me putting these tips in action, join me on my webinar on 3 October. I’ll tell you the 3 steps you need to plan the perfect Small Business Saturday offer for your business!

Originally published at Marketing by Minal.



Minal Patel

Founder of Marketing by Minal. Giving your marketing the focus it needs.