SFMC Tips #44 : Creating a New Data Extension Using the REST API


Photo by Nikhil Mitra on Unsplash

In the Summer ’24 release of Salesforce Marketing Cloud, a Custom Object REST API was introduced to manage data extensions.

Until now, data extensions in Marketing Cloud were managed using SOAP API or SSJS. Moving forward, you can easily and quickly manage data extensions using the REST API.

As a rough estimate, it took about 1 minute to create a data extension with 100 fields using SSJS, whereas it took only about 3 seconds using the REST API.

Please refer to the following help document where the ‘use cases’ provided by Salesforce are listed.

■ Setting the Stage

Before embarking on this journey, ensure you have the following essentials from a previous guide: the “REST Base URL” and the all-important “Access Token”. If you haven’t obtained them yet, refer to the guide on “How to Execute Basic Setup for Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s REST API using Talend API Tester”.


https://[Authentication Base URL].auth.marketingcloudapis.com/v2/token


--- BODY
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "[Client Id]",
"client_secret": "[Client Secret]",
"account_id": "[MID]"

In the Scope of this API configuration, the following is required:

■ DATA — Data Extensions — Write

*This is for the example of ‘creating a new data extension’ in this case.

Now let’s get into the explanation!

■ Creating a New Data Extension

When creating a new data extension, the first thing to consider is whether it is sendable or not. Based on this, the body script is divided as follows.


https://[REST Base URL].rest.marketingcloudapis.com/data/v1/customobjects

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [Access Token]

- Sample Body for a Sendable Data Extension

"name": "NewDE_Sendable",
"key": "",
"isSendable": true,
"sendableCustomObjectField": "Text",
"sendableSubscriberField": "_SubscriberKey",
"categoryId": 93800,
"fields": [
{ "name": "Text", "type": "Text", "length": 50, "ordinal": 1, "IsPrimaryKey": true, "isNullable": false, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "EmailAddress", "type": "EmailAddress", "length": 254, "ordinal": 2, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Number", "type": "Number", "ordinal": 3, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Date", "type": "Date", "ordinal": 4, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Boolean", "type": "Boolean", "ordinal": 5, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Phone", "type": "Phone", "ordinal": 6, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Decimal", "type": "Decimal", "length": 25, "scale": 1, "ordinal": 7, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Locale", "type": "Locale", "ordinal": 8, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false}

- Sample Body for a Non-Sendable Data Extension

"name": "NewDE_Non_Sendable",
"key": "",
"categoryId": 93800,
"fields": [
{ "name": "Text", "type": "Text", "length": 50, "ordinal": 1, "IsPrimaryKey": true, "isNullable": false, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "EmailAddress", "type": "EmailAddress", "length": 254, "ordinal": 2, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Number", "type": "Number", "ordinal": 3, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Date", "type": "Date", "ordinal": 4, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Boolean", "type": "Boolean", "ordinal": 5, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Phone", "type": "Phone", "ordinal": 6, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Decimal", "type": "Decimal", "length": 25, "scale": 1, "ordinal": 7, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false},
{ "name": "Locale", "type": "Locale", "ordinal": 8, "IsPrimaryKey": false, "isNullable": true, "isTemplateField": false, "isInheritable": true, "isOverridable": true, "isHidden": false, "isReadOnly": false, "mustOverride": false}

Important Points to Note

  • The initial name is the name of the new data extension.
  • The key is mandatory but can be left blank to generate a random key.
  • The categoryId is the ID of the folder where the data extension will be stored.
  • The primary key field must be a required field.
  • Replace sendableCustomObjectField with your specific sendable key.
  • The sendableSubscriberField is fixed as _SubscriberKey.
  • Fields from isTemplateField onwards are required and should not be changed.
  • Upper and lower case are strictly distinguished.

How to Find categoryId

To find the categoryId (folder ID), open any data extension stored in the folder. Click the link in the breadcrumb at the top left to navigate to the folder you want to check.

The categoryId will be in the URL, as shown below where the categoryId is 93800.

Note: If you specify a non-existent categoryId, you will not be able to access the created data extension. If you know how to access it, please leave a comment!

Additional Settings

You can also set “data retention policies”. For more details, refer to the link below. My sample bodies provided here are simplified for clarity.

★★★ Excel Tool (download) ★★★

I created an Excel sheet to simplify building the fields. Use the “Copy & Paste” section in column “H” and paste it into the template below.


Note: After pasting, manually remove “the trailing comma” from the last field.

- Template for Sendable Data Extension

"name": "NewDE_Sendable",
"key": "",
"isSendable": true,
"sendableCustomObjectField": "XXXXX",
"sendableSubscriberField": "_SubscriberKey",
"categoryId": XXXXX,
"fields": [

Copy & Paste


- Template for Non-Sendable Data Extension

"name": "NewDE_Non_Sendable",
"key": "",
"categoryId": XXXXX,
"fields": [

Copy & Paste


That concludes the article on creating data extensions.

The other day, there was a question about an example of retrieving record values in a data extension, so I am sharing the sample I tried.

■ Retrieving data from a Data Extension

In the Scope of this API configuration, the following is required:

■ DATA — Data Extensions — Read

*This is for the example of ‘Retrieving data from a Data Extension’.

--- Method

--- Endpoint
[REST Base URL].rest.marketingcloudapis.com/data/v1/customobjectdata/key/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/rowset?$filter=XXX_Flag%20eq%20'True'

--- Header
Authorization: Bearer [Access Token]

The above example retrieves records where the field name is “XXX_Flag” and the Boolean value is “True”.

  • The method is GET, so no body is required.
  • Replace “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” with the external key of the data extension.
  • Up to 2500 records can be retrieved per page. (Page switching can be handled with the parameter “?$page=2”.)
  • Filtering, sorting, and paging are only supported with sendable data extensions.
  • Requests to retrieve data from non-sendable data extensions can return a maximum of 200 rows.
  • Refer to the link below for the “filter operators” used in the endpoint.

■ Conclusion

I have previously created data extensions with numerous fields using SSJS (Script Activities). Will this REST API feature replace it?

One of the benefits of using script activities is that you can leave a trace of the script as a record. On the other hand, while REST API is convenient, it seems that the code needs to be either discarded after use or managed with tools like Excel or Notepad.

Nonetheless, being able to handle data extensions with REST API comes with many other benefits, so I think it’s a wonderful feature addition.

Thank you for reading.

Nobuyuki Watanabe

https://www.linkedin.com/in/nobuyuki-watanabe/ (+Follow me)



Nobuyuki Watanabe @marketingcloudtips

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant (Japan) | Trailblazer Community Forum Ambassador 2024 | 41x Salesforce Certifications