SFMC Tips #10 : Playful Tricks to Snatch Journey Builder Activity IDs Easily


Photo by Seyi Ariyo on Unsplash

In the enchanting realm of Salesforce Marketing Cloud, a nifty feature called “Data Views” diligently stores customer engagement data for the past six months.

When extracting data from these Data views, there’s a trick you should know — how to snag those elusive Journey Activity IDs. Knowing this trick can be a game-changer in your workflow, so let’s make sure no one misses out on it.

Imagine crafting a journey like the one below:

Now, let’s say you want to extract those who opened an email activity. Hover your mouse cursor over the email activity and, using your keyboard:

  • For Mac users: Press and hold “option (alt)” and “shift” simultaneously.
  • For Windows users: Press and hold “Alt” and “Shift” simultaneously.

While in this state, “click” on the email activity. Voila! A popup will reveal the Activity ID, as shown below:

Note: If the popup is unresponsive, give your mouse a couple of confident clicks or try reopening the journey before clicking again.

Once armed with the Activity ID, use the following SQL to extract contacts:

SELECT DISTINCT o.Subscriberkey
FROM _Open o
JOIN _JourneyActivity ja
ON o.TriggererSendDefinitionObjectID = ja.JourneyActivityObjectID
WHERE ja.ActivityID = '3cba01c3-8d96-48f5-8c7e-6396262d2570'

Now that you’re armed with this whimsical method, extracting Journey Activity IDs becomes a breeze. Happy data sleuthing! 🕵️‍♂️✨

Thank you for reading.

Nobuyuki Watanabe

https://www.linkedin.com/in/nobuyuki-watanabe/ (+Follow me)



Nobuyuki Watanabe @marketingcloudtips

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant (Japan) | Trailblazer Community Forum Ambassador 2024 | 41x Salesforce Certifications