Computer Security Threats

What Are Types Of Computer Security Threats And How To Avoid Them

Ashish Mishra
4 min readFeb 11, 2020

In the modern digital era, everyone has been using computers and smartphones to access everything from their home. Getting instant information with the use of internet usage becomes highly increased. However, there are also many numbers of Computer Security Threats that we are dealing with. To safeguard our computer data, it is important to know the types of computer threats of the modern age and the better way to resolve the network attacks. These Security Threats are the dangers that could easily affect the smooth functioning of the PC instantly. These kinds of security attacks could be a Trojan malware, a piece of adware, or any others that could totally destroy the information on the device without any hassle. With the going digital, there are many numbers of computer security threats we could see. Normally these kinds of threats are referred to like anything that would hamper normal activity in the PC with any kind of hacking attack or the malware.

Well-Known Computer Security Threats:

In the computer security threat, computer viruses are the programs that are written for altering the way of the computer to operate even without any permission or the knowledge of the user. Normally, the virus replicates as well as executes itself with doing damages for the computer. There are many numbers of computer security threats like Virus, Trojans, Malware, Rootkit, Adware, and many others could harm the data in the computer. Knowing the methods of cyber security protection would be a highly suitable option for keeping the PC safer.

Computer Virus:

Normally, the Computer Virus is the malicious program that especially replicates as well as infects the programs and files in the PC. This makes the data in the PC into the non-functional.

Computer Worms:

Computer Worms are the self-replicating computer program that automatically spreads malicious codes. Sending the copies of the original codes to other PCS using the network could destroy the data. Having good cyber security protection is more important in the modern-day for avoiding computer worms.


Scareware is the malware tricking the victim into buying the software by displaying the false virus alerts. Mainly, the scareware infected PC that could pop-up as false malware threats. In this case, the users would prompt into purchasing the false anti-malware software.


Keyloggers also called the keystroke logger, could easily track all real-time activity in the computer of the user. While using the computer, the Keyloggers would be running in the background as well as records everything making the user pass information to a hacker easily. Hacker mainly has the motive of stealing the password, banking details, and many others. Having a good cyber vulnerability protection system would be a much more suitable option for easily safeguarding the program.

Spyware Threats:

Spyware Threat is one of the most dangerous computer security threats for monitoring online activities or while installing the program to easily captures personal information.

How To Improve Computer Security?

For safeguarding the system from cyber security attacks, it is much more important to have high advance software on the PC. Below are some of the steps you need to follow for improving your Computer Security System

v Use best antivirus software with internet protection system

v Never download untrusted email attachments

v Do not download software from unreliable sites

v Having a good network firewall security system is a good option

Most of the web browsers have security settings that could also easily ramp the optimum defense system against any online threat. However, it is always the most efficient option to use up-to-date antivirus software.



Ashish Mishra

Cyber Security Expert . An invisible end-to-end web security solution