Photo from my record collection (none of the songs mentioned in this post are on this actual record)

Out of Touch Hall & Oates Style

Leigh Lee McGee
2 min readJun 2, 2013

At times technology with the quick and easy access makes me want to scream. Private eyes are definitely seeing your every move.

You are connected to friends, family and even acquaintances with the touch of a smartphone, laptop, or desktop. Texting makes you feel connected, Facebook ensures you know what is happening with people, Twitter shows me your passion with other people’s retweets and with characters of your thoughts of 140 characters or less. I can see six seconds on your life on Vine, but where is the human connection?

Even phone conversations can’t create a real experience. I can’t see your smile or see the brilliance of your facial expressions with your laugh.

Oh Skype, Oh Google+ Hangout, my software is too out of date to enjoy all senses of our experience together. It’s so planned, let’s chat and experience “real life” with our monitors.

Living here in this city has made me feel very lacking with personal connection. Granted my “social” media experience is off the chart, but where is real life?

I’m sitting here listening to some old school Hall & Oates, remembering old friends and memories. And with those realizations, I’m shutting down this computer and going out to create some new experiences.

And honestly, sorry to disappoint Hall & Oates, but I CAN go for that.



Leigh Lee McGee

Trying to find my voice in a crowd of obnoxiously loud life experiences.