Nonprofit PPT — Four tips on creating a Fundraising Presentation

3 min readFeb 7, 2020


Raising funds through slides

An effective and emotive nonprofit PPT presentation can contribute significantly to a nonprofit organization’s success.

These presentations serve as an excellent medium for nonprofits to garner community support, acquire new fund donors, impress prospective volunteers, build relationships, and share their vision.

In the pursuit to sell their benefits to the community, a nonprofit PPT could sometimes fall flat. The presentation ends up highlighting the wrong things. There are too many statistics being presented with bland-looking slides.

The layout and appeal of a nonprofit presentation could be a huge let-down. This problem can easily be solved by hiring the services of a PowerPoint presentation design agency.

A nonprofit PPT needs to make a strong argument about the NGO or nonprofit’s mission. The message needs to be inspirational.

Let’s dive straight into three things that can improve the appeal of your nonprofit PPT.

No cookie-cutter ideas

Sharing stories of impact motivates audiences on an emotional level. Most nonprofit PPTs repeat the same old presentation layouts.

Recycling an old presentation is a quick fix, but it does not offer anything unique. Your audience could be a big corporate sponsor, a government official or a reputed individual from a particular community.

Take help from a nonprofit ppt designer to make the presentation audience-friendly. Hire a top vendor for presentation designs to get that something special.

Audience truly matters

Ask any PPT expert in India about ‘how important is catering to the audience’ and the answer will be unanimous — “very”.

Knowing your audience will influence the information in the PPT. The stories you tell, the energy you present with, are both dependent on the audience.

If for example, the audience will feature corporate funders or potential donors, the information should lean towards the nonprofit’s impact towards the area they serve.

A nonprofit must cater to a wide range of audiences. Make sure the PPT focusses on what the audience needs to hear instead of what the PPT wants to say.

A nonprofit presentation will include policymakers, volunteers, employees, board members and other stakeholders in the audience. Try connecting with them on an emotional level.

Non-profit PPT presentations face the challenge of inspiring their audience. A lot rides on getting the audience invested emotionally. Once you know the audience well, craft the content to help them make a connection.

Well-designed slides

Avoid a common nonprofit PPT pitfall — complicated content. There is a tendency to cram each slide with unwanted text.

Keep the number of bullet points to a minimum. You don’t want the audience to read every point. That is why mention only a few, and rather let the audience hear you speak.

It’s a great idea to take help from a ppt design agency. That is because only a ppt design expert can give life to your slides.

The addition of transitions, quotations, custom fonts, and relevant imagery can prevent the audience from getting distracted or bored. The message or plea should come across visually and in-person.

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