Presentation Slide Design — Telling a compelling Story

3 min readFeb 7, 2020


Every slide adds to the narrative

Getting a killer presentation slide design takes effort. It takes your effort to gather the required content. It takes effort by the presentation design agency to work their magic.

Slides can be designed to impress. But impressions are not enough. The slides must have a purpose, a plan, and a result. Valuable content, stat-filled data or infographics are not enough. The presentation needs a narrative that binds them all.

Good stories engage

A good story is a presenter’s best friend. It increases information retention. Try presenting facts within a story. A key to good presentation slide design is engaging the minds and hearts of your audience.

You have to work hard when telling a story. It needs to come from within. It needs to be powerful and true.

Through stories, you can depict celebration and success. You never know how a story can be received by the audience unless you try it. Stories bring authenticity and credibility.

Talk about user experience. Show the audience how your product or service made somebody’s life simpler. Bring the presentation to life by sharing instances from your own.

Every story needs a hero. A heroic journey provides excitement. It illustrates a journey, filled with struggles & triumphs. The transformation is what makes a story worthwhile.

Visual metaphors impact presentation slide design. The audience will retain elements of a story through visuals. These visuals remain attached to the memory.

These visuals can paint a virtual picture. It allows you to interact with the audience deeply. More information is also retained in the process.

Why tell stories…

Stories create an immersive experience. Presentation storytelling is an art. The artist is the presentation design company.

A good narrative taps into emotions. They empathize with your presentation’s message. When you tell a story, the audience’s mind won’t differentiate fact from fiction. They immerse themselves within the story.

Storytelling also inspires your audience to take action. Humans are driven by emotions. They want logical solutions, that are supported by facts and figures. But, on the flip side, they love a good old story too.

Use a strong narrative to tap into their emotions. This is a great technique to compel action. You can use this in any presentation no matter what the subject matter is.

Let’s suppose you are delivering a product presentation. You will share the capacities and features of the product. Add these features within a story.

Talk about how the idea for the product came to be. Tell the audience about incidents that led to you and your team to come up with a product solution.

Discuss team setbacks, funding aspirations, tribulations, and trials. Highlight the defining moments of the product by embedding a story.

Storytelling also makes your presentation memorable. Weaving an engaging narrative, with help from a presentation design company, leads to maximum impact.

Make the presentation memorable by hiring a professional ppt designer who can give your story a colourfully immersive structure. Visuals make the story memorable, which in turn increases engagement and retention.

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