The power of Quotes in a PowerPoint Presentation

3 min readJan 28, 2020


Words that make an impact

Quotations work well when inserted within a PowerPoint presentation. Quotations work as social proof that allow your PPT points to gain credibility.

Quotes by well-known people are considered valuable. Their quotes mirror their struggle, success, and journey. Likening their struggle to ours gives us a positive outlook on solving those problems.

Quotations make your presentation stand out. It also looks professional. Hire a PowerPoint presentation design agency to add quotes within visual elements, such as in a unique typeface, etc.

Also, quotations are not utilized by all, so if you do, you could make the PowerPoint presentation stand out.


Inspiring quotes could trigger an idea amongst someone in the audience. You never know who could get inspired when reading the quote.

Quotes are the second voice in your presentation. They help strengthen arguments, ideas, and claims. A quote can influence the audience to see a point in a different light.


The goal of delivering any presentation is to inspire. Inspire the audience to act. If it’s a sales presentation, inspire the audience to make the sale. If it’s a fundraising presentation, then inspire the investors to provide the funding.

By inserting a relevant quote, you can guide the audience through a path. Quotes help address pain points indirectly.


As noted earlier, the audience is reassured about your expertise in your industry sector. By using quotes, you indicate how well researched your information is. Your domain knowledge is evident.

Quoting other experts from your industry shows that you are humble enough to acknowledge their claims.

Quotes can bring a nice conclusion to your claims. Quotes also act as excellent slide fillers or slide breaks. PowerPoint presentations tend to get monotonous and lengthy. Quotes can add some relief to that.

Listed below are 15 quotes that are based on PPTs that you can add to your PowerPoint presentations.

“Designing a presentation without an audience in mind is like writing a love letter and addressing it ‘to whom it may concern.”

Ken Haemer

“The whole purpose is to enable people to learn. Your mission is not to transmit information but to transform learners.”

Harold D. Stolovitch and Erica J. Keeps

“If you can’t write your message in a sentence, you can’t say it in an hour.”

Dianna Booher

“The success of your presentation will be judged not by the knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.”

Lilly Walters

“If you don’t know what you want to achieve in your presentation your audience never will.”

Harvey Diamond

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Carl W. Buechner

“No one can remember more than three points.”

Philip Crosby

“Ask yourself, ‘If I had only sixty seconds on the stage, what would I absolutely have to say to get my message across.”

Jeff Dewar

“The simplest way to customize is to phone members of the audience in advance and ask them what they expect from your session and why they expect it. Then use their quotes throughout your presentation.”

Alan Pease

“Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening.”

Dorothy Sarnoff

“The brain doesn’t pay attention to boring things.”

John Medina

“Performance is not about getting your act together, but about opening up to the energy of the audience.”

Benjamin Zander

“Naturally sticky ideas are stuffed full of concrete words and images.”

Chip Heath

“A great presentation gives smart ideas an advantage.”
Nancy Duarte

“If you think presentations cannot enchant people, then you have never seen a really good one.”

Guy Kawasaki

Taken from my original publishing on




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