The Essence Of Wealth

The reason why alot of people won’t become who they want is because they’re too attached to who they’ve been.

Pierre Baker
4 min readOct 12, 2019

You want a life of ease? Would you like to be wealthy and abundant? Or are you like most who, at some level, don’t believe they deserve it?

The reason people don’t really believe they deserve they to have the best and they settle in their relationships, they settle in their finances, and in their quality of health, is because they just don’t know any better.

Maybe that’s controversial to you. “Really? They don’t know better?” Yes, if you knew how to create abundance in your life, would you? She you would. So would anyone else, it’s a natural inclination. Emphasis on natural.

So if it’s a natural desire to feel wealthy, why do so many of us not get to enjoy that feeling?

Because we have forgotten the essence of who we are.

The essence of who we are is pure. It is energetic, and it is more real than the idea of who we are that we have collectively accepted.

Money is one with our Being. Money is nothing more than an energetic state. So is anger. So is poverty. So is happiness. These things that we all experience come and go in our lives are simply energetic states that we experience.

We experience anger, it comes and goes, but if you want it to stay you can bring that experience back with a little will power. Same with happiness, is not like your gonna be smiling all day. But with a little will power you can bring that smile back, genuinely.


Well, it starts by changing the thoughts in our minds at that moment. By focusing on thoughts that make you feel angry or happy, you change your state to one that experiences those feelings, and those feelings become your reality.

If you feel happy, you identify as BEING happy

“I’m happy.” “I am happy.”

See, now that’s what I’m talking about. It’s actually just as simple to experience a life of wealth as it is to experience a life of happiness or a life of anger.

Look at this sequence we all experience day to day.

Thoughts become feelings. Feelings become words/writing. Words become actions. Actions produce results.

The initial energy that sparked the whole process off was a thought. Thought is energy in the most subtle form, thought is beyond comprehension.

And most of all, if you can think a thing, you possess the essence energy of that thing.

People say all the time… “I want this”, “I wish I had that” but the root of thinking like that is the feeling that you lack that thing.

The feeling of lack cannot exist in the same place as the feeling of abundance. You will either have one feeling or the other.

If you have mixed feelings of lack and abundance, you won’t see the results of your work flourish. You’ll work work work and still be broke, and not even know why.

So if you have within you, the essence of wealth, the energetic form of wealth, the seed form of wealth, then why do you choose to feel that you lack wealth?

If you have wealth, in its essence, then why do you want wealth?

Would you rather want a new car, or have a new car? To want is to feel lack, and it’s a horrible emotional habit we have picked up.

Embrace that which is within you. Be grateful for the wealth that you can envision. Really really feel thankful for that new car as if you have it already. And then let go.

Yes, just let it go.

Know within you is the possession of all that you desire and rest assured that it is on its way. Return to that thought again and again. Experience that gratefulness and the pleasure of “having” frequently.

Kill self doubt.

These are a few of the principles of the law of attraction.

The reason why alot of people won’t become who they want is because they’re too attached to who they’ve been.

And you hear it all the time when they say, “I’ve always been this way.”

Throw the trash out man. There is no reason you cannot manifest wealth and abundance in your life. It’s all a choice. You choose who you will be.

Over time you can accomplish any goal you set. It takes consistency. Think like the person you intend to become, consistently. Let that person incarnate your mind. Sacrifice your current mind to birth the mind of your future, greater self. That is all.

Please visit my other blog posts on Medium, visit my webpage here to get more info and my number one RECOMMENDATION FOR MAKING MONEY ONLINE.

Also, by visiting here you get access to the best resource online for enabling your smartphone to be a wealth activator. That’s a better name than smartphone right? “Wealth activator” yep, I made it up myself 😁

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Pierre Baker

I love to help people understand more about their goals and I love to learn.