Malta Country: You should know about this country


What do you know about Malta? Is it safe to visit? How much does it cost to live there?
The tiny Mediterranean island nation of Malta has become a haven for cryptocurrency investors. In recent years, it has emerged as a major hub for the global financial services industry.

It’s a tax-free jurisdiction that companies can incorporate without paying corporate taxes. This means they don’t have to pay capital gains or income taxes on their profits.

Here is the video talk about Malta Country: You should know about this country

Why you need to know about Malta

Malta is a small island nation located in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Africa. Its capital city is Valletta. Malta’s economy is based on tourism, shipping, financial services, and agriculture. Maltese people speak Maltese, a language derived from Latin.
The Maltese archipelago was first inhabited around 4000 BC, and its early history is closely connected to ancient Greece. In 1530, the Knights of St John established a stronghold on Gozo, and later conquered the rest of the islands. After the knights were expelled in 1800, Malta became part of the United Kingdom until 1964, when it joined the European Economic Community. Since then, Malta has been a member of the EU and NATO since 2004.
Malta is known for its beautiful beaches, Roman ruins, medieval castles, and churches. The country is home to some of the oldest Christian sites in Europe, including the Cathedral of Saint Paul and the Church of Our Lady of Victories. Other notable attractions include the National Museum of Archaeology, the Grandmaster’s Palace, and the Victoria Lines.
In terms of climate, Malta experiences mild winters and warm summers. The average temperature ranges from 13°C to 25°C. Rainfall occurs throughout the year, although summer months tend to be drier than winter months.

The history of Malta

1. Malta was first inhabited around 6000 BC by hunter-gatherers who lived off hunting and fishing.
2. Around 4000 BC, people started farming and developed irrigation systems.
3. By 1000 AD, Maltese farmers had built their own cities and were trading with nearby countries.
4. In 1530, the Knights Hospitaller took over Malta and ruled until 1798.
5. After Napoleon invaded Egypt, he sold the island to the British in 1800.
6. In 1814, Malta became a British protectorate.
7. On September 10th, 1964, Malta gained independence.
8. Today, Malta’s economy is based on tourism, shipping, banking, and pharmaceutical manufacturing.
9. Malta has been nicknamed the “Land of Saints” due to its many religious sites.
10. Malta is home to the oldest operating lighthouse in Europe.
11. Malta has the highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites per capita.
12. Malta is known for its beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters.
13. Malta has the second longest coastline in the Mediterranean Sea after Cyprus.
14. Malta is located at the center of the Mediterranean Sea.

The economy of Malta

1.Maltese GDP per capita (PPP)
Malta’s GDP per capita was $19,903 in 2017. Its PPP-adjusted GDP per capita was $21,854.
2. Unemployment rate
In 2018, the unemployment rate stood at 4.2%. In 2016, the unemployment rate was 5.0%.
3. Life expectancy
In 2017, the average lifespan in Malta was 80 years. In 2016, the average lifespan was 79 years.
4. Population density
In 2017, the population density was 1,072 people per square kilometer. In 2016, the population density was 998 people per square kilometer
5. Human Development Index
In 2017, the HDI was 0.824. In 2016, the HDI was.822.
6. Corruption Perception Index
In 2017, Malta scored 6.1 out of 10 on Transparency International’s corruption perception index. In 2016, Malta scored 6.0 out of 10.
7. Tax revenue as % of GDP
Tax revenue accounted for 21% of Malta’s GDP in 2017. In 2016, tax revenue accounted for 20.8% of Malta’s GDP.

The culture of Malta

1. Maltese people have been known to be quite friendly and welcoming to foreigners since ancient times. In fact, they were even considered to be among the friendliest nations in Europe until recently.
2. Malta’s population is small, yet its economy is thriving.
3. Malta is a member of the European Union (EU) and the Eurozone.
4. Malta is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional republic.
5. Malta has a high literacy rate and a low unemployment rate.
6. Malta is home to many historical sites.
7. Malta is famous for its cuisine.
8. Malta is well-known for its beautiful beaches.
9. Malta is a popular tourist destination.
10. Malta is a country rich in history and culture.
11. Malta is a safe place to visit.
12. Malta is a great place to live.
13. Malta is a Mediterranean island nation.
14. Malta is located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.

The language of Malta

Malta is a small island nation in the Mediterranean Sea. Its capital city is Valletta. Malta’s official languages are Maltese and English. However, English is spoken by only about half of the population. In addition, many people speak Italian, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Albanian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, and Macedonian.

The population of Malta

1. Population density
Malta’s population density is 0.9 people per square kilometer. This is lower than the national average of 1.8 people per square kilometer, but higher than the European average of 0.6 people per square kilometer (source).
2. Urbanization rate
In 2017, the urbanization rate was at 95%. This means that 95% of the Maltese population lives in cities, towns, villages, etc. (source).
3. Unemployment rate
The unemployment rate in Malta is currently at 10.6%, which is higher than the national average of 9.9% (source).
4. Life expectancy
Life expectancy in Malta is 80 years (source), which is lower than the national and European averages of 82.2 and 81.4 respectively (source).
5. Literacy rate
Literacy rates in Malta are high, with 98.2% of the population being literate (source).
6. GDP per capita
GDP per capita in Malta is $26,700 (source). This is lower than the EU27 average of $29,800 (source) and lower than the global average of $33,000 (source).
7. Number of doctors
There are 2.1 physicians per 100,000 people in Malta (source). This is higher than the national and European average of 1.7 and 1.0 respectively (source).

The government of Malta

1. Malta’s population is about 4 million people.
2. Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea; it is bordered by Italy to the north, Libya to the west, Tunisia to the east, and Gozo to the south.
3. Malta is known as the Garden Island due to its lush vegetation.
4. Malta is home to many species of birds including the European bee-eater, Eurasian black vulture, and the Maltese falcon.
5. Malta is a member of the EU since 2004.
6. Malta has been inhabited since at least 5000 BC.
7. Malta was first colonized by Carthaginians around 800 BC.
8. In 1530, the Knights Hospitaller were established.
9. Malta became independent from the United Kingdom in 1964.
10. Malta joined the UN in 1971.
11. Malta is a parliamentary democracy.
12. Malta is a constitutional monarchy.
13. Malta is a republic.
14. Malta has a high literacy rate (96%).

The geography of Malta

Malta is located between Italy and Africa. Its capital city is Valletta. Malta’s terrain consists of hills, mountains, plains, valleys, and sea. Malta is divided into three regions: Northern, Central, and Southern. The climate varies depending on the region. In the northern region, the weather is warm and dry; the central region is temperate and humid; while the southern region is hot and arid.


Malta is a small island nation located in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Africa. It’s a tax-free jurisdiction that companies can incorporate without paying corporate taxes. The country is home to some of the oldest Christian sites in Europe, including the Cathedral of Saint Paul and the Church of Our Lady of Victories. Malta’s economy is based on tourism, shipping, banking, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Malta is located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and is a member of the EU and the Eurozone.

Malta is a small island nation in the Mediterranean Sea. Its official languages are Maltese and English. Malta’s population density is 0.9 people per square kilometre. The unemployment rate in Malta is 10.6%, which is higher than the national average of 9.9%.




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