FREE Full Body Transformation Workout at Home — The Digital Vixen Blog

The Digital Vixen
8 min readJun 13, 2020


I want to present to you an incredible opportunity to take advantage of a FREE Full Body Transformation Workout at Home given by an Instagram Fitness Instructor I currently Follow on Instagram.

Are you ready for a 28 Days FREE Full Body Transformation Workout at Home that will get you out of your comfort zone transform your body?

I feel compelled to write and recommend this to as many people as possible as I think it’s an amazing opportunity to participate in these free home workouts that will kick-start your body transformation.

I am talking about this amazing Instagram Fitness Instructor called Courtney Black; you can find her account under the IG @courtneydblack

Photo credit: @courtneydblack

Keep checking out her Instagram account @courtneydblack for the release of the timetables for the full month free home workouts starting on 14th June 2020.

The schedule will be in this format and look similar to this:

Photo credit: @courtneydblack

Please note that she is based in the United Kingdom — London Greenwich Time => so allow for time difference according to your own Time Zone.

Courtney is doing these full-body free home workouts since the beginning of the lockdown so she has my full admiration and appreciation.

I want to mention this post is simply written out of appreciation and respect for her free workout sessions in the last 4 months or so, with no association once or ever with her or her business.

Obesity and obesity-related health problems have become a major factor in today’s society implicating huge financial costs at all levels.

Studies show children now spend more than seven and a half hours a day in front of a screen (e.g., TV, videogames, computer) with al least 30% of adults are not getting sufficient exercise

In December 2019 a CNN Health Article estimated that more than 50% of the American population will be overweight in the next few years if nothing it’s done about it. Don’t become a part of that statistic!

Disclaimer: This blog may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link here. Know I will never recommend products I don’t use or love myself!

I’m sure we all have stories to share about a weight gain or loss during these crazy times. Some of us are gaining weight while some of us are using this extra available time in the most constructive possible way to lose weight. It all depends on our personal circumstances: age, health, personal body image, ambition, etc

I happened to gain some weight during these crazy unprecedented quarantine months. I usually return it to my beloved customized keto diet in order to bring my weight down to the desired level, however this time I have decided to increase my overall fitness and stepped up my regular 2–3 weekly classes to everyday classes following, you’ve guessed it, Courtney Black, lol

If you are checking out her Instagram Stories you will see so many before and after photos with great results only 2–3–4 weeks apart

Photo credit: @courtneydblack

Don’t let yourselves be fooled however: those results are based on full-body workout sessions 6 days out of 7, so they are quite intense.

Here I was though: wanting the same fabulous results for myself; I am now excising with her for the last 2–3 weeks with very good results.

These home fitness routines for women and men alike, present a chance for you to take advantage and start your weight loss journey at no cost.

Apparently a 28 Day full body transformation workout with an instructor of your choice, you set you back a few good thousands… This one is FREE so take advantage!

As mentioned above, it starts on 14th June 2020 — to 13th July 2020.

We all know how difficult it is to maintain a home fitness routine when working a full-time job and this is, all the more the reason for my recommendation: it is the right opportunity at the right time while we are still at home.

So, I am happily jumping on the bandwagon and take advantage of a complete and free full body transformation workout at home. After all, we all love a freebie, right?

I will not miss this chance to get involved and challenge my body as I genuinely feel that right now during this quarantine, it is a once in a lifetime occasion to get out of my comfort zone see how much better my body can get.

As always, I am looking at fitness and weight loss from a holistic point of view and I want to make the most of this commitment to this 28 Days FREE Full Body Transformation Workout at Home.

I am returning to my Custom Keto Diet Plan to ensure my body has good quality nutrition during this full-body transformation challenge. If you are on Keto Diet click the link above to see how you can customize your keto plan to help you achieve your weight loss goals faster while still enjoying delicious meals prepared with your favorite ingredients.

For those of you who feel that healthy 100% natural dietary supplements will help see more details here.

If the following quote is true, I am looking forward to it:

In two weeks you will feel it. In four weeks you will see it.

In eight weeks, you will hear it.

Courtney has a Fitness App that you can subscribe to and get fully customized recipes according to your weight loss/gains goals

Photo credit: @courtneydblack

Excerpt from Harvard Medical School Newsletter called “Why we should exercise — and why we don’t”

Why we should exercise

Exercise does not help only in preventing heart attacks and diabetes but also, according to a Harvard health newsletter moving the body seems to help the brain.

Several studies have found that exercise can reduce the symptoms of depression, and it changes the brain in ways similar to antidepressant medications.

In old age, physical activity may delay the slide of cognitive decline into dementia, and even once that process has started, exercise can improve certain aspects of thinking.

As per the above study, physical exercise has an incredibly positive effect on the brain…

Apart from the anticipated weight loss and body contouring expected results, there is one aspect of these home fitness routines that I did not anticipate.

An amazing thing had happened: Courtney Black’s Full Body Transformation Workout at Home has become kind of… addictive to me!

In fact, I find myself looking forward to these home workout routines on a daily basis. (especially as I know they will certainly come to an end, sooner rather than later with the lifting of the quarantine).

They really are a source of personal motivation and inspiration!

I happen to work out in front of a mirror and there is something extraordinarily satisfying and soothing to see your own body working out and remembering where you were when you initially started…

I also find myself talking about them and recommending them to other friends as if somehow, I want them all to benefit from these full-body transformation workouts too …

This has become a… sweet obsession if I can say so! A Healthy one!

I have no prior experience with any kind of addiction but I think I have become addicted to Courtney Black’s home fitness routines, lol 😀😋

Here’s what Psychology Today that states about addiction

What Is Addiction?

A person with an addiction uses a substance or engages in a behavior, for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeat the activity, despite detrimental consequences.

Addiction may involve the use of substances such as alcohol, inhalants, opioids, cocaine, and nicotine, or behaviors such as gambling. There is evidence that addictive behaviors share key neurobiological features: They intensely involve brain pathways of reward and reinforcement, which involve the neurotransmitter dopamine

If behaviors such as working out can release dopamine and create a good feel addiction, my sweet, healthy addiction is to her free home workouts and the wonderful million dollar buzz feeling that the release of dopamine gives me immediately afterward.

I never thought this will actually happen… But I am very glad it did😀😋!

If you really want to know how you look like a red-faced, sweaty mess after a full-body workout at home with Courtney Black, this is your chance!

She recommends to everybody to take before and after photos, the free full body transformation workout at home month just to track your own body transformation process even if you don’t wish to forward them on to her for public use.

I promise you: you will love to look back at them and appreciate the results of your effort!

The Covid-19 quarantine and has already changed and our behavior in a way that will become the future normal when things will re-address.

Right now while still in quarantine it’s hard to even phantom the individual behavioral and societal changes that will impact the future business environment…

Will home fitness routines with full-body workout sessions become the future of fitness?

It is very much possible that as we have become accustomed to full-body transformation workouts at home during this lockdown and full-body workout routines at home will become a regular thing in the future

Our body’s health and physical appearance are important to us and we are deriving our self-confidence and self-esteem from them.

We are also judged by it, whether we like it or not.

Be a go-getter and do your own body a favor; Join me and thousands of other CB Warriors in this 28 Days FREE Full Body Transformation Workout at Home. You will Thank Me later 😋

Plus, we can always have this experience as a future reference for workout inspiration.

Suggested Reads: How to Lose Weight Fast and Get Fit in 2020

Resurge Review: An All Natural Weight Loss & Dietary Supplement Pill

How to be Happy with Your Weight Loss/Gain

Originally published at on June 13, 2020.



The Digital Vixen

Living the Digital Lifestyle and helping others to do the same. I am passionate about all beautiful things. More details here: