Great Americans Project: Kelly Holstine

Mark Britt
1 min readJan 22, 2020


The world has been pretty awful recently with Americans being particularly disappointing. This GREAT AMERICANS PROJECT is intended to signal boost some good vibes and good folks that inspire me to keep active. We can do this, fam.

Kelly Holstine, a Teacher of the Year, kneeled during the National Championship game with the Republican President of the United Stated in attendance. She did this to show solidarity with Colin Kapernick’s protest against police brutality. She earlier turned down a White House invitation and quite publicly criticizing the current administration.

“Educators must be allies”

Holstine was an English and language arts teacher at Tokata Learning Center in Shakopee, Minnesota. She is the first openly LGBTQ teacher to receive the honor in that state.

Man, this takes real guts and I admire it. I was at an NBA basketball game in the Bay Area and in considered taking a knee during the anthem. I chickened out. Holstine did this at a Republican friendly football crowd on national TV. So inspiring. I’m going to kneel going forward. We all should.

Source: ABC News
Holstine’s Ted Talk on being an ally as an educator.



Mark Britt

Bay Area designer working at BOLD. Single dad. Collage, Comics + Boston Celtics