The “Brand” website must-haves

4 min readJul 1, 2018


The term “Brands” represent something heavy in my heart! Jokes apart. All brands are online with great websites and campaigns and stuff but what really makes a website as “Brand” website?

Every company has a unique name of course, but do that makes them a Brand from a company? Not really. It takes a whole lot of processes knitted all together by a team of creatives to make a Brand. To make a company name turn into a Brand that is known by all, you really have to spend alot of money for good marketing, promotion, campaigns just to get more audience to your portfolios and turn them to prospects. So when they really buy something from you, your name can be known among them all. Just to clear your thoughts about “Brand”, that is not really a brand, it is merely an option for the customers as you are providing good offers to them.

To make your company as Brand, you have to pay attention to your online presence and details that are connected to your Brand name.

10 baby steps to make your “Brand” website rocking!

  • Don’t write your brand name in small letters

I have seen websites that have written their own Brand names in small letters either within the content or in the browser tab title, which is a blunder that they do. People pay attention to every single bit of detail that you add to your website. Naming your own Brand in small letters will show your google result with small letters as well and that can bring down your Brand value.

  • Color scheme

Color scheme is very important for branding and your Brand must have a single color scheme throughout all channels and mediums present online including your website. Each and every channel should be consistent and have the same color scheme that is present on your brand website. Well you should also pay attention to the color scheme you are using. Take some help of designers or UI/UX people.

  • Branding

All the information you have entered to your website should be same as that mentioned on social media platforms or all over the web. Your color scheme is also a part of the branding in the similar way.

  • Images

A lot of early stage startups use free stock images present online which is really not good. If you are using free stock images, someone else is using them too and then you will not be able to make your own Brand. Hire a good designer and get your stuff done. Also pay attention to where your are adding images, the sizes and content of images also play a great role in making your website stand out. Even if the customer is not coming back to buy some stuff, he will definitely come back for cool animations and UI.

  • Content

Content is really important for your website. It tells about your credibility and attention to detail. All pages of your website must have nice and attractive content, with 0 plagiarism and grammatical mistakes. Please say no to Loreum Ipsum!

  • Social media feed

Including just the social media handles is not good enough these days to make people follow you. Add plugins to your website to display your feed or latest 3 posts done on the platforms to attract visitors attention and get a follow!

  • Team details

People usually never pay attention to adding team pages to their website, but trust me it adds stars to your website when you highlight your inside talent.

  • Portfolio

Portfolios play a crucial role in getting you a deal. Displaying your previous work with optimal details is an art which is scarce in the market. Add your portfolio but also not over do it that the visitors can’t go ahead without viewing all your work.

  • UI/UX

The term is pretty famous now. Famous because of what it does but also has lead to great confusion in people’s mind. If you have a good UI doesn’t means it will be rich in UX also. Get a UI/UX person who can really help you improve your visitor’s experience.

  • Brand spotlight

TADAA!! The brand spotlight it the Tada moment of the brand displayed on website with huge banners or sliders that display their current product or achievement. Having a brand spotlight catches attention as it makes the visitors check your website again in a few weeks to see what’s new.

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We help startups establish a brand from Level 0. With a team of 3 we have raised around 20 startups. We post daily about what we "actually do".