Forks in the Road

Mark Jarder
2 min readFeb 11, 2016

We all go through this, forks in the road. Times when you have to make decisions that may take your life down a certain path and you will have to make peace with the opportunity costs of your decisions. I no longer what I was before, trying different things out and assessing opportunities and business models and how different people live their lives. I now know exactly how I am living mine and by the grace of God it shall be done.

Dream big because God is bigger than any dream you can muster.
Leaving a legacy behind to help steward a change for a more efficient world is something that I have always had in my heart as far back as I can remember. It was the driving force behind all these crazy dreams of mine and when times come where I want to just give it all up, God somehow finds someone to place in my life to keep on fanning that flame and make it burn stronger than before.

I will no longer be bullied into certain things. Ignorance is what I’m currently fighting and I’m doing my best to learn and absorb as much as I can in everything that I do. I feel that I have grown a lot over these years, some years faster than others. The passing of this specific year is a milestone for me in terms of how life makes sense to me.

Over the years failure after failure and tragedy after tragedy seems to contribute to my character being shaped to be something specific that I…

