Real Estate Attorney Litigation: Why Do We Need One?

Mark Lowe
3 min readDec 11, 2023


Agents or real estate attorneys handle most real estate litigation transactions. They provide competent advice but may only sometimes be the best defense. A real estate attorney litigation representing a buyer or seller is a good protection against expensive and lengthy litigation, especially in the case of title defects, liens, or failure to disclose defects.

What are the duties of a real estate litigation attorney?

Legal problems of any kind can be frustrating and everlasting for many. In the world of real estate, it is no different; because someone is involved in a real estate dispute, they can suffer financial and legal consequences. Hence, we hired a real estate attorney litigation.

Real estate disputes can become very complicated because the litigation is normally very complex. If an individual is involved in a problem of this type, he will need a lawyer in this area who can help him in his case and explain everything related to the most important real estate laws in the United States.

What are real estate disputes?

Legal disputes in real estate are conflicts where land or real estate that is on said land is involved. Many cases are related to real estate that can give rise to litigation; the most common are:

  • Illegal foreclosures.
  • Conflicts in reverse mortgages.
  • Owner financing agreement disputes.
  • Title Insurance Disputes.
  • Lawsuits for not fulfilling a contract.
  • Fraud and negligent misrepresentation claims.
  • Disputes over real estate investment agreements.

Another area where there are real estate legal disputes is construction defect cases. Normally, these involve some imperfections in the design, quality of work execution, or materials of a home that can cause financial damage to the owner.

Real Estate Litigation includes:

  • Violation of contracts
  • Violation of guarantees
  • Real estate fraud
  • Construction defects
  • Boundary disputes
  • Land use
  • Condo and Homeowner Association Disputes

Duties of a real estate litigation attorney?

The world of legality is very large because everything is defended by laws that people must respect. In the case of real estate, some laws and technicalities can cause a person to lose property or receive bad treatment. To avoid this, it is recommended that they hire a legal real estate attorney litigation.

Real estate disputes need an expert lawyer; in this case, we have a real estate attorney litigation. The professionals have the knowledge and experience to face the legal problems that may arise in this type of case. Real estate attorneys provide their services to protect their clients in and out of court, and they must understand all areas of real estate litigation.

A real estate litigation attorney can address things like:

  • Jury or court trials
  • Arbitrations.
  • Talks.
  • Judicial orders.
  • Summary trials.

Some disputes over property transactions between two people can drag on for a significant period. This means people will have to invest a lot of money and time. If a person wants to reduce this amount of time, the best thing he can do is hire a real estate litigation attorney.

Real estate is complicated because a lot of money is involved in land and property. If a person has a problem of this type, it is recommended that they seek legal advice from a specialist lawyer, who will handle the case and obtain the best possible treatment for their client.

What a real estate litigation attorney can do for you:

Real estate litigation attorneys know all types of real estate issues. They represent developers, receivers, lenders, buyers, sellers, property management companies, title companies, surveyors, real estate brokers, appraisers, and owners in all types of real estate litigation. Attorneys help with coverage questions and settle disputes between title insurance companies through arbitrations and mediation.

Types of real estate that are involved in litigation

Our real estate litigation attorneys have a superior record of litigating disputes relating to residential and commercial properties involving these types of properties and others:

  • Office buildings
  • Residences and residential developments
  • Unit planning development
  • Apartment and condo buildings
  • Hotels and motels
  • Storage facilities
  • Malls
  • Industrial properties
  • Schools
  • Free land
  • Agricultural properties
  • Homeowners associations

If you need a corporate law to help you with any real estate litigation, contact Kleins Law today. We can refer you to a highly competent real estate litigation attorney.

