AI vs. Human poem. Can you tell the difference?

Mark Richard Blanchard
3 min readOct 20, 2023

Like many people who work in the creative industries, I’ve noticed a certain ‘work opportunity deficit’ since AI has made its presence felt. So I decided to try a little experiment: I briefed ChatGPT to come up with a poem about AI’s job-stealing effect and I wrote my own poem to go alongside it. I’d be interested to know if you notice any significant difference between the two poems, whether you can identify the human version from the AI version and which poem you prefer.

  1. AI by ?

In fields of work, a shadow creeps,
A force that steals our livelihoods, it seeps.
AI, a beast of progress, some would say,
But for the jobless, it’s just a fray.

Their skills, once valuable, now decay,
As machines take over, day by day.
Their minds, once sharp, now dulled and grey,
As AI’s reign leaves them in dismay.

Their dreams, once bright, now fade away,
As the future’s promise drifts astray.
Their hopes, once high, now crushed and low,
As the spectre of AI’s reign does grow.

Their lives, once full of purpose and drive,
Now lost, as AI’s grip does thrive.
Their futures, once full of promise and light,
Now dimmed, as AI’s shadow takes flight.

But still they dream, and still they hope,
That one day, their skills will be restored,
And the light of opportunity will cope
With the shadow of AI’s reign, once more.

2) AI by ?

A robot came to take my job
My workmates are complaining
They say he’s rubbish down the pub
They find his presence draining

His chat is lame, he spouts clichés
He seems a bit entitled
He never ever buys a round
His jokes are all recycled

He hasn’t made a single friend
He’s somewhat cold and distant
He speaks in superficial quotes
His banter’s non-existent

They pulled him in and told him:
“Your prose is dull and bloated”
He said “That’s quite a compliment,
So will I be promoted?”

He knows that he’s unbeatable
Because he’s fast and cheap
And as for creativity,
It’s on the rubbish heap

He’ll never win a Gold Award
He won’t be bold or daring
But he’s the darling of them all.
The world just gave up caring.

POSTSCRIPT: A friend of mine put both poems into Chat GPT and asked it to discern the difference, this was the response… “I don’t have access to specific information about the authors of these poems, so I cannot tell you definitively which one was written by a human and which one was generated by AI. Both of these poems appear to be written by humans, as they exhibit personal perspectives, emotions, and narrative elements. AI-generated poetry can often be recognized by certain patterns or lack of a coherent human perspective, but without additional context, I can’t make a definitive determination.”

