2 min readNov 2, 2018

NOVEMBER 02, 2018 — HitBTC, a leading European Bitcoin exchange that provides cryptocurrency trading services to establishments, traders and individual brokers worldwide, has announced the listing of the MARK token (MRK), which is the internal currency of 3D, VR and AR-compatible social-interaction platform MARK.SPACE. For months, the global crypto-community has anticipated the inclusion of the coin into this particular exchange. The MRK will commence its public trading on HitBTC on 02.11.2018.

HitBTC, the global trading platform with multi-currency support, has been operating as a major exchange since 2013. By trading volume, HitBTC has been consistently among the top 10 exchanges. The exchange has markets for trading digital assets, tokens and crowd sales, and provides a wide range of innovative features as well as stable uptime.

Since the time of attracting investments, MARK.SPACE has been strictly following its roadmap obligations and launched the platform at the end of last month (October). The current version of the platform allows for creation of Residential units. Upcoming December, the company plans to launch shopping for units that can be used for commercial purposes.

HitBTC exchange provides trading operations for the most popular digital currencies and prevailing fiat currencies. The core matching engine is stated as the most advanced technological product in its class. It implements real-time clearing (T+0 settlement), advanced order matching algorithms and has been acclaimed for its fault-tolerance, uptime and high availability.

Website: https://hitbtc.com/

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An open source platform for creation of 3D, VR and AR compatible web-spaces (websites) and objects, powered by Blockchain.