2 min readDec 19, 2017

MARK.SPACE, an open source platform for creation of 3D and VR compatible web-spaces (websites) and objects, powered by Blockchain, will join in the Bancor Protocol™ in order to provide MRK holders with continuous token liquidity, directly from any E-wallet.

After integration of the Bancor Protocol, MRK tokens will be purchasable and sellable for any other token in the Bancor Network, including ETH and BNT, at formulaically calculated rates, directly through popular Web3 wallets. MARK.SPACE will be allocating 5% of their total 3 billion token supply to stake the Bancor Network Token Relay. You can join the MARK.SPACE community here

MRK-holders and users of the MARK.SPACE platform — including members of the currently available Community, Shopping, Residential, and Business Districts, as well as other Districts that will be offered in the future — will be able to benefit from the various token types in the network and convert them easily and directly through an easy to use Web App, created by Bancor.

Technical development of the strategic cooperation is set to commence in March 2018, while the full integration of the Bancor Protocol™ is planned for the Blockchain implementation phase of MARK.SPACE in June of the same year.

MARK.SPACE is a one-of-a-kind platform for business, e-commerce and communities, where anyone can create their own 3D website (unit) that is compatible with VR — in a fast and easy way. MARK.SPACE is a network of these units that are connected through a 3D visualized environment (galleries, streets, squares) so users can easily browse among all units. At the same time, they are independent; each unit can be connected to a personal web domain and accessed by users directly. The platform is maintained by a crypto economy and is powered by Blockchain.

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Bancor Protocol™ is a standard for the creation of Smart Tokens™, cryptocurrencies with built-in convertibility directly through their smart contracts. Bancor utilizes an innovative token “Connector” method to enable formulaic price calculation and continuous liquidity for all compliant tokens, without needing to match two parties in an exchange. Smart Tokens interconnect to form token liquidity networks, allowing user-generated cryptocurrencies to thrive.




An open source platform for creation of 3D, VR and AR compatible web-spaces (websites) and objects, powered by Blockchain.