4 min readJan 31, 2018


2018 started actively for the entire team, as we participated in one of the largest Asian blockchain events: The Finwise Summit, coincidentally held in one of the world’s smallest countries — the incredible Macau. Our own Denis and Almir spoke to new investors and presented MARK.SPACE on 12–13 January.

Despite this report’s intro, the event’s location was not at all a coincidence: with government regulations being tough on coin offerings and the like in mainland China, Macau has simply become a blockchain-startup haven, attracting many investors from all over the world. The Summit was held in the very spacious Sheraton Hotel, taking up an entire floor of the building, welcoming thousands of guests, hundreds of projects, and several dozens of speakers. Naturally, the first thing that impressed us was the scale of the event: the main presentation hall spanned over 1,000 m2 and had a presentation screen the size of an entire wall. Cameras, lighting and sound-effects all added to an atmosphere of a very professional and outstanding event.

The MARK.SPACE exhibition stand was set up near the entrance to the main presentation hall — a perfect location, as many people were going back and forth, frequently stopping to learn more about the Next Generation Internet, based on VR and blockchain technologies. After the start of the event, the stand was quickly overwhelmed by a large number of people who all wanted to get more information about MARK.SPACE. So overwhelmed, in fact, that the company’s official Wechat group soon reached a limit of 100 people (which led to having to add people manually).

Most of the conversations were held in Chinese, but all went great — with help from Jing Zeng, our business development director in China, and a couple of support staff from a local PR agency; they helped to distribute brochures and explained MARK.SPACE to the audience. Particularly many questions were regarding the technology; people were impressed by the fact that this VR platform was up and running, while many other projects were presenting just early stage ideas.

Despite bringing several hundred brochures, they ran out at the end of day one. Luckily, a manager from the Macanese PR agency found a local printing shop to get more materials for the second day. Day one ended at a local café, where various summit participants discussed the future of the blockchain industry, exchanging information about their projects. That evening, Denis and Almir met Eyal Hertzog — one of the founders of Bancor Protocol, with whom they had an interesting conversation about token liquidity. Some weeks earlier, Bancor had become an official partner of MARK.SPACE; the strategic cooperation was published in various online recourses. MARK.SPACE is looking forward to work with Bancor in the near future.

On the second day, MARK.SPACE co-founder Denis Polulyakhov presented the project, gaining even more attention from investors. A local media channel held an interview with Almir Salimov, business development director for Asia. At the end of the second day, MARK.SPACE was invited to a dinner, organized by Emmie Chang from Superbloom — the technical organizer of the Finwise Summit. The dinner was held at the fashionable Dragon Bar and had about 60 guests, representing various projects and investment companies. This evening presented an amazing opportunity to network with companies from the US, Israel, Japan, and Singapore, amongst others. Moreover, during this dinner Denis and Almir met MARK.SPACE’s future partner and investor — Mr. Chen, who really liked the concept and agreed to help promote the platform in Singapore.

After getting up early the next day, the team divided for new voyages: Denis flew over to join the annual Blockchain Cruise in Singapore, while Almir took the plane to participate in a Blockchain conference in Thailand. It was time to conquer new horizons.

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An open source platform for creation of 3D, VR and AR compatible web-spaces (websites) and objects, powered by Blockchain.