Tomorrow’s Answers Today

2 min readDec 22, 2017

Dear MARK.SPACE family-members (and that is who you have become to us), the year is almost over and it is time to post some outcomes!

About a month ago, we published a short survey with some general questions to get some insights from the public. The poll, which we published on various social media channels, collected over 500 respondents, so we can confidently state an objective sample. Here are the results:

Over 35% of y’all first learned about MARK.SPACE through…a friend! Therefore, it’s safe to assume that mouth-to-mouth advertising still is a popular way of communicating information. Keep it up! The second largest group were the people who first saw us through an online article or official listing (over 30%). The remaining group either saw an ad or chose “other”.

  • We published the second question to see the awareness level our subscribers have about VR. The first question was “What is a VR and where do I get one?” and you know what? NO ONE chose that one, thankfully! Actually, we are SO PROUD that the vast majority, a whopping 75% (!), stated that VR is a real tool that can be applied for the benefit of many real-life cases! About 21% sees VR as a technology that is mostly used for gaming, with about 4% of respondents stating that VR is something we can observe in SciFi movies. We have quite some explaining to do, obviously! ☺
  • As for our Districts, your opinions divided. The most popular District turned out to be Shopping (over 32%). Business and Community are a tie — both earned 25% of your votes. Residential got about 18%. We’re wondering, how the replies to this question will look in a couple of months!
  • Great news! Almost 54% of respondents either already have or soon will participate in the crowdsale — whoop, whoop! About 35% are still not sure, but are waiting to be convinced — tell us how and we will!!! A bit over 10% are not planning to join the crowdsale, which makes us really sad ☹.
  • HODLERS unite, because you make up over 60% of our audience! That’s actually great, since it shows the majority of you understand the importance of long-term investments — we appreciate that! Another 10% prefers trading ASAP and the rest…well…almost 30% didn’t even know what we were talking about. No biggie, you still have time to learn all about it!

We thank all those who took part in our survey and hope you will continue doing so in the future! Your replies and comments help us analyze our mistakes! Your feedback is important, because in the end, MARK.SPACE was created for you!

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An open source platform for creation of 3D, VR and AR compatible web-spaces (websites) and objects, powered by Blockchain.