A short update of Tangle Universe and of the world map of Tangle

4 min readJan 18, 2019


Listing Partner of Tangle Universe in nearly all continents

Since one week the project “Tangle Universe” is now released as Alpha Version and we would like to give you a short update https://tangle.publiciota.com/. Thanks for the constructive and positive feedback from the IOTA community and also from the non-community. To recap, this project seeks to provide transparency about Tangle’s services, projects and friends. Tangle Universe is a database project designed to facilitate the search for suitable services. The aim is to disseminate the technology of IOTA and Tagles and to show not only newbies and companies the important services, projects and contact points for questions. Registration and listing is free for everyone here.

After one week we currently have over 32 registrations and 25 listings. We are very proud that we have listings in nearly all continents America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. We are particularly pleased that the supporter and applications of the Tangle are spread worldwide. Of course, we hope that over the time more and more service providers, exchanges, applications and supporter register with us and list for free, so that we can give the user a very good cross-section of the possibilities and projects oft the ​​Tangle worldwide. Of course, those who have created a listing will benefit from a wider audience and will make their news accessible to an interested audience.

Tangle Universe is currently still in the Alpha Version, which means that we are working hard to improve usability and create added value for our users and listing partners in the new version of Tangle Universe.

Update — Basic technical and visual update as well as better usability

We are currently working on a completely new basis for the beta version of the platform. We work on the design and usability of the front and back end. The goal here is to increase significantly the enjoyment of using this platform and to increase the added value for users and listing partners. Our new solution we are currently working on promises significant improvements both in the graphics, the display of listing partners as well as in the forms. In 2 to 3 weeks we will introduce you to this new version. Do not worry, listing partner entries will be preserved, but will be lifted to a graphically and visually pleasing level. Also, the search for specific entries will improve significantly. Another point concerns the ranking. We have removed the rankings. All listings should stand side by side with equal rights.

In our opinion, such a project needs constant interaction of interesting informations of the listing partners. That’s why we add a blog function in our new version to the listings so that anyone, who has a listing, can quickly and easily create news about the listing. This news are published in total in the blog, but can also be viewed in the respective listing. This allows the user always benefit from the latest information of our listing partner.

Future challenges — the big picture:

There is currently a lot of work to do to launch our new version of this platform. But we can also look into the future and there we have received valuable ideas from the IOTA community.

In the future time, it does not make sense for partners of listing platforms, such as ours, to enter their data in a variety of other platforms with a different background or look, to be listed also there. That would mean a lot of effort, which should be avoided. We are working to ensure that our data can be retrieved and used by other platforms with similar content in the future, provided that the listing partners agree. And if we look further into the future, this could happen through MAM data transfer with the Tangle, because that would indeed fit to the idea of Tangle Universe.

Another future challenge is the creation of Tangle Universe mobile applications. Of course, depending on the future use of this service we will also be able to create mobile apps such as for iOS or Android. That could increase the mobile functionality significantly. Until then, we will also improve the usability in the mobile sector.

So there is a lot to do and we hope you create your listing and visit Tangle Universe here.


Tangle Universe is a project of public IOTA

The „public IOTA project“ is not part of the IOTA Foundation or linked to any other way, it is an independent project to support IOTA and it´s applications.

We look forward to your message: info@publiciota.com

Our vision: „The real IOTA revolution will take place when applications are realized that benefit the industry as well as investors, and when the broader population understands and accepts IOTA as well as recognizes benefits in their daily lives. We want to support this process as an independent group“




Interested in cryptocurrencies especially IOTA and member of the public IOTA project.