A unique virtual trade fair in the area of DLT, IOTA and the Tangle is planned

5 min readApr 24, 2019


You can already find Projects, Services & Friends of the Tangle in the Tangle Universe project. With Tangle Universe BETA 2.0 we will build the first virtual trade fair and a contact point for interested companies and people in the areas of DLT, IOTA and the Tangle, in the next months. It is intended to be a unique, powerful virtual trade show supporting this unique technology and developing new ideas for future applications. Furthermore, it is intended to support the financing of companies, projects and applications. For more information, read the topic „Financing of Tangle Universe“.

With the Tangle Universe project we want to bring together people, projects, applications and above all ideas from the IOTA and the Tangle environment with potential users of applications. The goal is to develop new ideas specifically for the respective applications. Basically similar to a permanent trade fair in the area of ​​DLT, IOTA and the Tangle where the “exhibitors” are the partners of Tangle Universe and ideas are developed in various small groups, with the “visitors” from the user site. Thus, a lively future platform with a lively exchange is to be called into being.

Tangle Universe BETA 2.0 will be created under the keyword: “tangle meets user”. With an „online permanent exhibition“, where real use cases and applications will be shown. Both background information, video, pictures but also technical details and of cause real online shows of the working Tangle are presented. These will be sorted under the corresponding topics (energy, automotive, supply chain, fin services, games, smart city, e-health).

Tangle Universe BETA 2.0: planned concept

The big headlines will be:

  • Virtual Exibition
  • Match Point
  • Funding Database
  • Working Groups
  • Webmeeting & Webcasts
  • Cooperation Exchange

So the Tangle Universe projekt will be a Match Point of IOT, DLT and IOTA where supply meets demand. Prominent partners have already confirmed their participation in some of our future working groups. I will report about it in another article soon.

The financing of Tangle Universe BETA 2.0
So far we have no secured financing. That’s why we’ve been approached by a number of investors to place an ICO on this platform. In our view, that would set the wrong signals and we will go a completely different way even if it is more difficult. There are a number of reasons why we reject an ICO, although it might be able to secure the necessary funding faster. One of the main reasons is that we support IOTA and the Tangle technology, making IOTA the leading role of our Tangle Universe. Finally, the success of Tangle Universe should add value to IOTA.

Of course, we want to achieve stable financing and in addition we want to find a way that can generate revenue for many stakeholders.

We would like to introduce you to our financing ideas. The world map of Tangle in our Tangle Universe will continue to be free, as we have announced, and we look forward to your registration. This is about the financing of the virtual trade fair of the Tangle Universe BETA 2.0:
1.) Promotional-Partners have the opportunity to place a banner advertisement on our start page. Interested parties please contact: info@publiciota.com
2.) Exhibitors pay a small amount for the exhibition space, but depending on the status of the other financing options, this sum can also go to zero. But exhibitors also benefit from revenues (see below). The number of exhibitors will initially be limited to 50. Interested parties please contact: info@publiciota.com
3.) Visitors pay a small entrance fee. The greater part of this entry fee (after taxes) will be distributed to the exhibitors as a performance-related royality. There are two mechanisms. A part that is fixed and a part that the visitors can award to exhibitors. If a visitor likes a project, then he can award points, which will then be reimbursed as IOTA to the exhibitors as a royality.
4.) Visitors have the opportunity to participate in our affiliate program and generate income through this path. This will allow to reach more future visitors.
5.) We will apply for funding in national and international programs
6.) Donations are of course always welcome.

Exhibitors also benefit from revenues

With this mechanism we can, depending on the number of visitors, promote the projects of the exhibitors with a large sum of money and thus contribute to the realization. We have discussed this possibility of financing with both a tax expert and a lawyer, who consider it to be legally feasible under certain conditions.

To schedule
The following timetable is planned:

Time Frame of Tangle Universe BETA 2.0


Of course, we are happy about donations for the realization of this project. The following options are available:


Bitcoin: 32wyq6tp2t92R3vRJHz4Lhdb4qo1gJ1jGQ
Ethereum: 0xd6eBFc291D2902a9A2a039408e09e21Ea82e238f

Thank you!

The „Tangle Universe project“ is not part of the IOTA Foundation or linked to any other way, it is an independent project to support IOTA and it´s applications.

We look forward to your message. Contact: info@publiciota.com




Interested in cryptocurrencies especially IOTA and member of the public IOTA project.