IOTA’s role in the Smart World

5 min readFeb 8, 2019


I was allowed to spend the last days at one oft the world largest energy fair. There I had a lot of discussions with exhibitors and service providers. One of the central theme at this fair was the Smart World.

It has arrived everywhere that to meet the climate goals, the CO2 burden must be significantly reduced. That’s why the share of renewable energy is steadily rising — at the same time, the availability of wind and sun is fluctuating. In order to efficiently use these fluctuating amounts of energy with constantly increasing electrification, a shift of the energy among the sectors is necessary in addition to the use of storage systems.

This sector interconnection connects the individual energy sectors of electricity, heat and mobility and thus creates the possibility of demand-optimized energy distribution. In order to enable a reliable power supply with the lowest possible grid expansion, we need a solution that manages this distribution to avoid load and generation peaks. Consumption and production are reconciled. At the fair, various areas were highlighted:

Smart City & Climate Solutions

In times of advancing urbanization, cities are becoming pioneers in developing innovative ideas and measures to protect the climate. Being major contributors to climate change, cities are also especially affected by its consequences. Digitization and smart city concepts have the potential to make urban areas more efficient and sustainable. The key challenge will be the integration of electricity and heat, smart buildings and e-mobility into an intelligent and resource efficient system. As a driver of innovative and renewable technologies, the energy industry plays a key role in this process.

Smart mobility

Electromobility is the key to climate-friendly mobility worldwide. The operation of electric vehicles produces significantly less CO2, especially in connection with renewable electricity. In addition, with their energy storage systems, electric vehicles will be able to offset fluctuations in wind and solar power in the future, thereby supporting the expansion and market integration of these volatile energy sources.

Smart Energy

The term smart energy is to be understood as meaning all intelligent technologies of power generation, energy storage, power transmission and consumption control. Thus, the entire value chain from energy generation to energy consumption is addressed.

Smart Home

The most important requirement is the exchange of information for tuning and shifting energy between a smart grid and the individual components in households and buildings, e.g. the photovoltaic system, the battery storage, the heating and the electric car.

Seamless communication from the network level to the device level enables

• Creation of demand transparency

• Avoidance of load peaks and network bottlenecks

• Use of flexibility on the supply and demand side

  • Use of decentralized energy production

Smart Grid

A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operation and energy measures including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficient resources. Electronic power conditioning and control of the production and distribution of electricity are important aspects of the smart grid.

A standard language for all devices

The solution is a standard-based language for energy. This will make an efficient and sustainable energy system possible. The Internet of Things (IOT) plays a major role in many cases. Currently, there are attempts to create standards everywhere. For example, at EEBUS a common “Language for Energy in the Internet of Things”. This open, standardized networking specification allows manufacturer-independent communication between smart energy consumers, renewable energy plants, energy managers and the smart grid.

Source: EEBUS

And where is IOTA?

IOTA and Tangle technology were currently unseen at the fair. But that can change very fast. The aforementioned smart areas require fast, secure and cost-effective data transfer to achieve the desired effects. In addition, the links between different areas serve different value chains. The rapid exchange of cash flows is essential here. All of this could provide IOTA and Tangle technology in the future, if certain requirements, such as e.g. Smart Contracts are met. But at these important points, the IOTA Foundation is working hard. An overview of these points will be given on the website


IOTA and its possibilities are not yet known to all service providers. However, a steady discussion with these important partners in the future, is essential. We will continue to hold many discussions to demonstrate the benefits of IOTA in this area.


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Our vision: „The real IOTA revolution will take place when applications are realized that benefit the industry as well as investors, and when the broader population understands and accepts IOTA as well as recognizes benefits in their daily lives. We want to support this process as an independent group“




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