The milestones of 18 months public IOTA project

5 min readJul 23, 2019


The “public IOTA project” was launched about 18 months ago. We started with the motto “to move IOTA and the Tangle forward”. Since then, we have been trying to advance the project with open and honest reporting. With this compilation we would like to show the highlights s of this project.

During this time we have held countless conversational discussions with people, companies, cities and research institutes and have been able to inspire a whole range for IOTA and the technology of the Tangle. It’s nice to see that some of those who are experimenting with this technology today or putting on testbeds have become aware of the Tangle technology through our informations and discussions. Why we are doing the public IOTA project, whether we are funded and who helped us so far, can be read here. Here are our highlights:

February 2018: Four people start the independent “public IOTA project”. The objective is to support IOTA and the new Tangle technology and to advance it through public relations. Here is a medium article from the beginning.

March 2018: The Twitter account of public IOTA — still in use today — marks the beginning of our social networking

March 2018: Medium is used as a release base for articles. In March 2018 we published a first article. To date, 55 articles on IOTA, the advances in the Tangle technology, the users and applications, for example, have been released. An overview is available here

April 2018: Initial talks with representatives of banks were held. The objective is to reach a crypto-investment fund with the participation of IOTA. So far, non-existent regulation has been the biggest problem.

May 2018: The public IOTA website is completed and launched. That is the basis of our project. The most important rubrics are Database, Application, Research, Revenues, Investing and Rumors. Have a look:

May 2018: Several products were launched to inform the public about IOTA. Let us recall the IOTA Researcher, who once a month informed about the latest news. Since there are so many very good information and newsletters, from the IOTA Foundation as well as from independent sources, we discontinued this service in 2019.

June 2018: Our blog series „Vision: IOTA in 10 Years“ has been released. This has also been helped by external experts.

June 2018: public IOTA applies for support of the IOTA “Ecosystem Development Fund”. In 2019 the EDF decided not to fund the public IOTA project.

June 2018: A small electric car called “pubio” is designed as an animation. This will play an important role in a small tool in the future.

August 2018: The public IOTA Lab is launched. Together with some developers we work on small IOTA applications. Also currently, something is being developed here, which will probably be released in autumn 2019. The press:

September 2018: Launch of a first application in the public IOTA Lab. After sending IOTA and entering a message, a process is started. After confirming the receipt of IOTA, an html file will be started with an animation on the screen. The information in Tangle is automatically read out and entered in a table

November 2018: A Youtube Channel named “Focus IOTA” has been launched. We also want to use this channel at regular intervals in the future

January 2019: Launch of the ALPHA version of the Tangle Universe project. One of the highlights is the „world map of the Tangle“, which shows “Projects, Services & Friends of the Tangle”

February 2019: Launch of the BETA 1.0 version of the Tangle Universe project. Many new features have been incorporated

March 2019: An advisory board for the future Tangle Universe BETA 2.0 was launched. With BETA 2.0, the first virtual trade fair could be created in the area of DLT, IOTA and Tangle. Interesting personalities have agreed to help.

April 2019: public IOTA reports about the IOTA applications at the Hannover Messe

May 2019: The Tangle Universe project already has over 100 Listing-Partners

June 2019: Start of the “Free IOTA for testing” Telegram Group. Newcomers of IOTA and the Tangle can get information and their first IOTA for testing. This should reduce entry barriers.

July 2019: The “Test The Tangle Text” event is started. It aims to inspire many people and companies for IOTA over the next few months.

Examples of Tangle Texts

The direct test of Trinity and an IOTA transfer are designed to arouse interest. (See press release shortly)

Selection of mentions in the press (September 2018) (September 2018) (September 2018) (November 2018) (April 2019) (May 2018) (May 2019)


I belong to a small independent group called public IOTA. It would be great if you want to support our projects:



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Thank you very much!

The „public IOTA project“ is not part of the IOTA Foundation or linked to any other way, it is an independent project to support IOTA and it´s applications.

We look forward to your message. Contact:




Interested in cryptocurrencies especially IOTA and member of the public IOTA project.