Update Wikiota — Supporters are welcome

4 min readNov 4, 2018


One thing is clear! The more well-known IOTA and the more companies and people deal with IOTA, the greater the scope of application will be. Currently, the specialists mainly deal with IOTA but in the future, large sections of the population will also do so. At the moment, IOTA and Tangle are still in need of explanation for many people.

IOTA can become a centerpiece of the Internet of Things in the future. But currently, it makes the impression that the time factor is crucial, because IOTA competes with other cryptocurrencies for the crown in the Internet of Everything.

But this is exactly where the wheat will soon separate from the chaff and this will have an extremely big effect also on the IOTA price. Both directions are possible.

As Dominik Schiener said this year: “We either want to be a trillion dollar project, or nothing.”

The competition has started a long time ago. Of course, the often cited advantages of IOTA play a major role here. But also a growing awareness of IOTA among companies and the population are existential:

  • The IOTA Foundation does a really excellent job of advancing IOTA. Worth mentioning in this context are also the pioneering features of Qubic.
  • The big industrial partnerships allow big distribution.
  • The possibility of trading IOTA directly with Euros, Dollars or other FIAT currencies enables the future decoupling of Bitcoin.
  • The multitude of very good projects and real case applications. The countless members of the Foundation, the IEN and the independent supporter pave the way.

Our project Wikiota also goes in this direction. It aims at educating the population and the need for explanation of IOTA. We want to create a wealth of added value for many people:

  • With Wikiota we would like to explain many terms that are used in the environment and in dealing with IOTA as simply as possible. This collection of explanations should be aimed primarily at beginners, but also provide for advanced users a reference work. The contents of this database are short explanations and definitions. The corresponding contributions are provided with links, which then lead to the source and to further information.
  • A professional service provider search should show those who need something from the IOTA environment the right contact persons and companies. Examples are programmers, designers, real use case providers, exchanges. The goal of this Wikiota section is to quickly and easily convey searchers to providers.
  • The Wikiota database is intended to contain freely available images and texts in the IOTA context. Copyright infringements are currently playing an increasingly important role. To simplify matters, we would like to provide those who deal with publications and design, for example, with a freely usable database.
  • Furthermore, we will offer a database of IOTA industry partnerships with Wikiota. Much worth knowing should be listed here.

In addition to our work, there are also costs for the creation, programming, design and other ongoing expenses. Unfortunately, we can not handle all that out of our own pocket right now. That’s why, contrary to our goals at Wikiota, there will be delays. We apologize for that. One thing is said, we would like to stick to this project. Support for Wikiota here. For the supporters, we will launch a website where, depending on the support, you will either be listed by name or banner for one year.

Your support for coffee and the public IOTA project

Please keep in mind that we are a small independent group with no financial space. We appreciate any financial and other assistance with this project.

A coffee always helps to make the long nights to great nights and if you like our project, we would be happy to get yout support! Thank you very much!

Our IOTA donation address:


Thank you!

The „public IOTA project“ is not part of the IOTA Foundation or linked to any other way, it is an independent project to support IOTA and it´s applications.

We look forward to your message. Contact: info@publiciota.com

Our vision: „The real IOTA revolution will take place when applications are realized that benefit the industry as well as investors, and when the broader population understands and accepts IOTA as well as recognizes benefits in their daily lives. We want to support this process as an independent group“




Interested in cryptocurrencies especially IOTA and member of the public IOTA project.