How to enter the Fermat World in the early days and start mining IoP Tokens

Markus Maiwald
5 min readNov 13, 2016


Some Tokens will be a great Heaven for your Assets

Yesterday, I was announcing the IoP Token to the public. While after 20 months of developing we exited stealth mode a couple of months ago, it is now the first time — 27 months after the start of developing Fermat’s P2P Economy — that we at Fermat spoke out loud and send a message to the world about our real intentions, our vision and goals.

Most people on this planet don’t know anything about the Real Sharing Economy we are building.
Most people don’t even know the fundamental concepts of liberty, peace → prosperity.

By just reading what we do and discussing about our vision and spreading the word, you do something, that not only helps us, but will be good for all people out there — by learning and teaching you enter a new world ahead of all of us.

Fermat is already one of the biggest Open Source Projects out there, and Fermat has the potential to be the most disruptive thing the modern world has seen so far.

We are thankful for every new person that connects to us, that want to get involved now, where things are still not running smooth. It is a bit edgy now, we have more to do than we alone can handle and every task we do is a trade off.

Unfortunately, many people are only interested in mining, to make quick money. To those I say:

“We are already in a position to say that as we have a decentralized network of Fermat Local Chapters, which are entitled to mine. They build a decent backbone, physically and economically. So where comes your part to help us?”

If you decide to spread our vision of a P2P Economy, no matter what, for example by promoting Fermat with a dedicated Facebook Page or Twitter account or providing in depth information about Fermat’s Internet of People on your website, you are entitled to mine IoP Tokens in the very early stage until we open up the mining to the public.

The deal is easy and it is a win-win situation: By doing one of the many more possibilities (like setting up a Youtube channel, Linkedin, forum posts, reports, blog, etc) you are helping to spread the word and doing something valuable for Fermat and possibly for the future of our society.
The Fermat Network Community rewards this by putting your wallet address on the early adopters mining whitelist. The whitelist is necessary in the beginning, to have room and time to further develop our blockchain, implement a hybrid PoW/PoS and the Internet of People network.

Individuals that share our dream of a decentralized world and help promoting the idea of the Internet of People are eligible for mining in this early adopter phase.

When we reach a certain amount of features, the mining/minting process will be open to the public, certainly, as the blockchain belongs to mankind. New people that enter the Fermat World will find a well connect solid base of chapters and decent infrastructure to build a new kind of stateless society.

Setting up a Fermat Local Chapter

If you want to represent Fermat in a more professional way, and you are willing to take more responsibilities with an even heavier workload - then you are qualified for running a Fermat Local Chapter. You probably gather people around you that help you doing the various needed tasks: To be recognized as Fermat Local Chapter you should setup a Fermat website in local language and use social media and build a community. For each of those tasks you earn another mining licence that you could use with your team.

To control this process and be transparent, we save this information in a public spreadsheet, until this is automated by community.

It is wise to find in your region like-minded people that could help you building a strong wealthy and technically top notch Fermat Chapter.
So while you look at the media and organize meetups, you could, for example, let technically skilled people do the tasks like setting up und running a testnode, etc… or you use a social media person to do the sharing parts, while you concentrate on building apps for Fermat.

That is the meaning behind giving away many licences per chapter: Team up, build a pack and tackle the many task as a cooperative and group. Share the earnings and keep them in the ecosystem around the chapter. Keep the IoP Tokens to be able to vote later in democratic processes.

In the beginning we have only this rule: First comes, first serves! Later, things evolve and skilled people are going to take over positions and tasks. We want to ensure, that this happens automatically, naturally by evolution and not solely by politics. If you own a chapter, you never can be sure that the community is accepting you forever, you should develop, evolve and grow the chapter and play an active role. Chapter Presidents are builders, joiners, thinkers visionaries and leaders!

While anybody can run a Fermat Local Chapter everywhere (and we encourage you to do this!), we only allow one Fermat Chapter Representative per country. Later this will narrow down to states, metropolitan areas and idiosyncratic regions and autark cities. Apply for them — build them!

The Fermat Representative does not only run a Fermat local Chapter, but is also attending conferences, giving keynotes and organizing local meetups regularly (once or twice a month). They act as role models and their Trusted Representative Fermat Local Chapter compares to an Embassy. They are or become Fermat experts, connect to local businesses, give advice, act as consultants and often start businesses themselves. They have a strong entrepreneurial mindset and connect people, are humble and share their Assets with the Chapter.


Individuals can join a Fermat Local Chapter and help filling the gaps and earn mining licences. If there is still no Fermat Chapter in your country and you have an entrepreneurial mindset and want to represent Fermat in your region, then set up a chapter yourself! Individuals and Chapters are allowed to take part as early adopters in the pre-mining phase. They invest time, put in big effort and build something huge with us. They are — as we are — pioneers, investors, visionaries, dreamers, builders.

Are you still interested to join at this early stage? Welcome to Fermat!

Start shaping your future and define the P2P Economy with the help of Fermat’s Internet of People!

That said, please get our newsletter, connect to a chapter in your area or even build one yourself.

Do not miss this opportunity, be part of the change.

And, as we say:

“We know our feature, because we are building it!”



Markus Maiwald

Co-/Founder of IOP, Vendible, Libertaria — Advisor for Crypto Joint Ventures — Building the Decentralized Society