QuickBooks Black And White Screen: Verified Solutions Are Here

Mark Williams
3 min readJan 3, 2024


QuickBooks Black And White Screen

QuickBooks users experience many software display problems & one of the common display glitches is ‘QuickBooks Black And White Screen’. Due to this irksome technical glitch, many fields present on the QB Desktop application window start showing up in black instead of the common white, thereby causing severe difficulties.

As soon as this problem occurs, QB users may encounter different technical issues while trying to fill out various forms, opening different files, and sending invoices.

The present blog offers a deep technical analysis of this problem along with valid solutions.

If you want suitable assistance regarding the ‘QuickBooks Black And White Screen’ problem, you can dial +1–855–738–2784 to contact our QB Experts Team.

QB Application Black And White Screen Issue: What Are the Main Causes?

The following main causes are behind the emergence of ‘QB Application Black And White Screen Issue’:

  • Generally, this display problem arises when the QB user has been utilizing the same QB application on the system for an inordinately long time.
  • The continued usage of outdated video card drivers can also trigger this technical glitch on the computer.

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Best Step-Wise Solutions for ‘Black Screen Problem in QB Desktop Application’

You can erase the ‘Black Screen Problem in QB Desktop Application’ through the solutions stated below:

Solution 1: Accomplish the extermination of this issue by running the ‘Quick Fix my Program’ utility

  • In this solution, the valid Intuit website should be opened using the web browser window & you will also need to correctly download ‘QuickBooks Tool Hub’ on the system.
  • Here, in this step, you must run the downloaded file (‘QuickBooksToolHub.exe’) on the computer to install ‘QB Tool Hub’ successfully.
  • Next, the relevant icon should be carefully double-clicked to acquire the ‘QB Tool Hub’ window on the computer’s screen, after which you will also choose the ‘Program Problems’ tab on the same window.
  • Thereafter, you can carry out the precise execution of the ‘Quick Fix my Program’ utility on the system to root out all the program glitches, and you will encounter no display issues while working on the QB application.

Solution 2: Fully install the fresh updates of the relevant video card driver on the computer to weed out this issue

  • Here, the foremost point is to simply bring up the ‘Run’ window on the system’s screen by tapping the ‘Windows + R’ keys & you must carefully type the ‘dxdiag’ command through the required field on the same window.
  • Now, you must press the ‘Enter’ key to execute the written command, after which you should jump to the newly launched window to select the ‘Display 1’ tab.
  • Thereafter, you can note the current edition of the video card driver present on the computer, and you can eventually shift to the official website of the manufacturer of the video card driver through the browser.
  • Next, instantly acquire all the latest updates of the video card driver, following which you will be able to utilize the QB application window for every project.

By using the step-by-step solutions highlighted above in the correct order, you can surely eliminate the ‘QuickBooks Black And White Screen’ problem. If you want further help, dial +1–855–738–2784 to contact our QB Professionals Team.

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