Review of “Good Vibes, Good Life” by Vex King

Adam Tucker
3 min readJul 10, 2023

Good Vibes, Good Life is a self-help book by Vex King, a social media influencer, mind coach, and author. The book aims to help readers unlock their potential and achieve their dreams by changing their mindset and applying the law of attraction. The book covers essential topics such as self-love, the law of attraction, the subconscious mind, humility, failure, meditation, empowering thoughts, and living a more extraordinary life.

The book is divided into four parts: Part One: The Universe and You; Part Two: Self-Love; Part Three: Success; and Part Four: Greater Purpose. Each part consists of several chapters that explore different aspects of the main theme. The book also includes exercises, affirmations, and tips to help readers practice what they learn.

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Part One: The Universe and You

In this part, King introduces the concept of the law of attraction, which states that whatever you think and feel, you attract into your life. He explains that everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. When you align your thoughts and feelings with a certain frequency, you attract things that match that frequency. Therefore, if you want to attract positive things into your life, you need to have positive thoughts and feelings.

King also discusses the role of the subconscious mind in shaping our reality. He argues that most of our thoughts and beliefs are stored in our subconscious mind, which influences our actions and reactions. He suggests that we can reprogram our subconscious mind by using affirmations, visualizations, meditation, and other techniques. He also warns us to be aware of our ego, which is the part of our mind that creates illusions and limitations. He advises us to transcend our ego and connect with our true self, which is the source of our power and wisdom.

Part Two: Self-Love

In this part, King emphasizes the importance of self-love as the foundation for happiness and success. He defines self-love as accepting yourself as you are, respecting yourself as you are, and caring for yourself as you are. He says that self-love is not selfish or arrogant; rather, it is empowering and liberating. He also says that self-love is not static; it is a dynamic process that requires constant practice and improvement.

Part Three: Success

In this part, King shares his insights on how to achieve success in life. He defines success as living a life that is aligned with your true purpose and values. He says that success is not measured by external factors such as money, fame, or status; rather, it is measured by internal factors such as happiness, fulfillment, and growth.

Part Four: Greater Purpose

In this part, King explores the concept of greater purpose, which is the reason why you exist and what you are meant to do in this world. He says that finding your greater purpose is not easy; it requires introspection, experimentation, and exploration. He also says that your greater purpose may change over time as you grow and evolve.

Good Vibes, Good Life is a book that inspires readers to transform their lives by changing their mindset and applying the law of attraction. It is a book that teaches readers how to love themselves, achieve success, and live their greater purpose. It is a book that gives readers permission for happiness.

Get “Good Vibes Good Life” by Vex King FOR FREE here:

