Marliese Richmond
4 min readMay 30, 2018


The local jaguar hoping to pick off a tasty snack

Initially , I slept well in the village deep in the Ecuadorian rainforest where I was teaching English. The family I lived with had a house which consisted of two rooms, one in which the parents and baby Yutzu slept, the other housed the 6 other children. Outside, there was also a porch, onto which an external kitchen area was attached. Every night, I would roll out my sleeping mat onto the porch, string up my mosquito net around it , and set down my sleeping bag. I’d have my rucksack under the net with me, and I’d stuff my bag with clothes to use as a pillow. My mosquito net formed an instant bedroom, within which I felt at home. Once my candle had been lit, I felt very snug and safe inside. I had my whole world with me. To complete the homely atmosphere , Lobo the dog would settle on other side of the porch from me, a reassuring presence. It would be the only time of the day that I would spend any time alone , and I relished this privacy .

Darkness would fall round about 7 o’clock. Almost immediately, the noise of the jungle would escalate. Throughout the whole night there would be a cacophony of chirping insects, croaking frogs, squeaking bats and the calls of nocturnal animals, each species occupying a different strata of sound . Every night, I would read until I felt myself drifting off to sleep to the layers of noise of the jungle.



Marliese Richmond

Marliese Richmond loves encouraging creativity in others, and runs Three Bears Prints, where she sells linocuts and fabrics.