In Pursuit of Stolen Ghosts

Marlon Barrios Solano
2 min readApr 3, 2024

Live App here

Code Repository

In the heart of winter 2024, during an artistic and research residency at Lake Studios Berlin, I embarked on a project that was as much a journey into the depths of my personal heritage as it was an exploration into the boundless possibilities of generative AI and performance. “In Pursuit of Stolen Ghosts | Duet in Latent Space” is the culmination of this journey, an application that stands at the crossroads of concept, programming, sound design, and performance.

The project’s cornerstone is the concept of latent space — a mathematical and conceptual domain generated by algorithms, where data points with similar characteristics cluster together. It’s within this high-dimensional space that my app operates, utilizing generative models to create and perform in real-time. The act of performing in latent space, then, becomes a metaphorical dance within an unseen probability space, where the generative capabilities of the model interplay with my inputs in unpredictable ways.

The term “stolen ghost” is deeply personal to me. It represents the sense of loss and disconnection I feel from my Venezuelan heritage, a heritage diluted by migration and the historical obliteration of our cultural ancestors. This project is my way of reconnecting with these “stolen ghosts,” of imagining and re-creating the lost voices and legacies of my past.

The application itself is a rich tapestry of technologies woven together to facilitate this act of re-imagination and connection. It leverages LCM Turbo, powered by, for near-instantaneous text-to- and image-to-image conversion, creating visuals as if drawing them by hand alongside me. The integration with Excalidraw offers a digital whiteboard for sketching out ideas, which then guide the generative process. Accompanying this visual experience is a specially composed soundtrack, enhancing the immersive experience.

Getting started with “In Pursuit of Stolen Ghosts” is straightforward. After cloning the repository and installing dependencies, a simple configuration step to include the API key is all that stands between the user and launching the app. The live application is a gateway to experiencing this blend of art and technology, inviting others to explore the latent space and engage with the stolen ghosts that roam within it.

LIVE APP 1st version

This project is not just a showcase of technical prowess but a deeply personal narrative made interactive through the power of generative AI. It’s a bridge connecting me back to my roots, allowing me to explore what was lost and to create anew from the echoes of the past.



Marlon Barrios Solano

Interdisciplinary artist | Generative AI | SoftwareEngineering | Apparel Design | Dance-tech | Mindfulness | Studies of Synthetic Embodied Cognition