Jesus does not know

Marlowe Frantz
5 min readJul 5, 2016


“Every country has it’s foibles what they do has to be guarded as to their national sovereignty.”

Ginger Rogers” I don’t go along with that when a nation has proven itself to be utterly godless and full of murderers, no longer ought it’s sovereignty be protected.”

The District Attorney” In that case, Ginger Rogers show the connection to the church, then I will believe your statement.”

Unknown and unidentified I,”Yellowhammer doesn’t know what he is doing for anyone.”

Ginger Rogers” Unknown and unidentified I’s accusation is asinine.” Unknown and unidentified I “Yellowhammer isn’t knowing what his own rule of thumb actually is with anything. Besides Neptune isn’t certain Ginger Rogers has the moral backbone to handle the District Attorney’s challenge.”

Unknown and unidentified 2”Panama Cerebral wanted this showdown”

Ginger Rogers”…it’s a miracle both of us are here.”

Yellowhammer” People will say to me ‘never cry wolf’ because it is still their day and still their hour. However when and where people claim their position as an authority there is nothing to do about it for the present. “

Unknown and unidentified 3"Artists are weak lily-livered men we are encouraged by artists because they are easily deceived, easily defeated.”

Panama Cerebral “Back off Unknown and unidentified3, I don’t think that’s good.”

Unknown and unidentified 1 “A slow burn for Yellowhammer, the Buzzard!”

The District Attorney”… take heart Ginger Rogers Malefactor doesn’t think Yellowhammer deserves a slow burn.” Yellowhammer proudly” Mazel tov disagrees with any punishment for me!” The District Attorney”

Jesus knows how dumb you are you devil Yellowhammer.”

Yellowhammer” That snide comment right there hurts Mazel Tov’s feelings.”

Unknown and unidentified 1" I suppose those who are anti-semitic use their hour to end up with no personal Justice because they show no lily-livered ‘mercy’?”

Ginger Rogers” Given the statement is clear through to Divine Judgment I agree with Unknown and unidentified 1’s statement.”

The District Attorney” They know it not they see no evidence of coming retribution!”

Ginger Rogers” God doesn’t need to reveal himself on that asinine call.” Unknown and unidentified 1 “Suppose then we are pleased with God’s lack of action?”

There was no answer, the Unknown and unidentified continued: Unknown and unidentified 1” Anti-antisemitism my ass, that’s made up by Bible thumpers, they are a people like any other people Netanyahu is responsible for mistreatment of the Palestinians..”

The District attorney”My patience is wearing thin, get to the frigging point Ginger Rogers’’

Ginger Rogers” On the claims of Unknown and unidentified 1 I Judge that Netanyahu has to stand through Divine Judgment to see how he does, you know on the Last Day.”

Unknown and unidentified” We, all of us Unknown and unidentified s claim our own Judgments not those of any others.”

The District Attorney” Now yes of course but what if they wave off their daily bread judgments?”

Ginger Rogers” That doesn’t work.”

The District Attorney” Okay, then what are their daily judgments?”

Unknown and unidentified 2” Anyone of us cannot possibly wrap together our daily judgments and out top ended judgment we mean to have.”

Ginger Rogers” To whom do you appeal?”

Unknown and unidentified 2” No one of us knows how to do it.”

The District Attorney” A curious Unknown and unidentified indeed what does he mean?”

Ginger Rogers “Here the Unknown and unidentified’s appeal for mercy, however, they do so in a deceitful way.”

The District Attorney” I don’t see what is wrong with what the Unknown and unidentified do.”

Ginger Rogers “who is it, who is supposed to grant them mercy?”

Unknown and unidentified 2 “The accused Unknown and unidentified on earth are for real, they are out to get people!”

The District Attorney” You, Yellowhammer, however, can do nothing about it , you must like the Unknown and unidentified on earth, in fact, you must go ahead love then!”

Ginger Rogers refused to budge.

The District Attorney” Ginger Rogers you must never take sides, you have no right to be on Yellowhammer’s side.”

Unknown and unidentified 3” We have proven this out everyone must take sides encountering us.”

Satrap “Yes you must Ginger Rogers, yes you have to.”

The District Attorney” Ginger Rogers those on my side seek to destroy all your descendants.”

Satrap “You see Yellowhammer aggravates the situation he aggravates the Satrap!”

Satrap quizzed Ginger Rogers” You accept that Baptists are saved because they are Orthodox, is that true?”

Ginger Rogers “I don’t say Baptists are orthodox.”

The District Attorney” Explain then how they are heterodox.”

Ginger Rogers,”they believe only in baptism in water the book of Hebrews in chapter 6:2 says their Baptisms plural.”

Satrap”…but Catholics hold to no such a thing as multiple Baptisms but they are saved.”

Ginger Rogers “Catholics do not stand on the basis of similar requirements as Protestants have to stand or fall by.”

The District Attorney” Now the group of Unknown and unidentified I represent are not saved on the basis of the Doctrines of the Church.”

Ginger Rogers gave no answer.

The District Attorney gathered his thoughts for a moment.

The District Attorney” I see what you mean Yellowhammer the ‘basis’ is different that saying anyone is literally saved exactly by the doctrines.”

Satrap” Nevertheless the District Attorney doesn’t see what you stand for.”

Ginger Rogers” I guess he doesn’t see what I stand for.”

The District Attorney” So…I have established …that…somrthing is..not true, now, Ginger Rogers how do I get out of having painted myself temporarily into a corner ?”

Ginger Rogers” Who are you praying to?”

Monkey” Praying? Why? What is truth?”

The Sheriff “Neptune the god knows how to explain to Monkey what the truth is Ginger Rogers but..but…you won’t let Neptune do it!”

The District Attorney” How is that possible that you prevent Neptune from doing anything at all, go ahead and allow Neptune to explain the truth, I could do it, nearly anybody can do, go ahead and enlighten Monkey.”

The Devil” I am the Truth, I’m the boss around here.”

Panama Cerebral” That’s it, Yellowhammer, our daily bread?”

