9 Easy Hacks to Get to Work on Time

Marlo Yonocruz
3 min readJun 12, 2018


Getting to work on time can be a struggle. It can be very difficult when you have to wake up early, avoid morning distractions, and fight traffic on the way to work.

If you’re someone who has trouble with punctuality, here are some tips that can really help.

1. Have your clothes prepped.

Sleep with your entire work outfit on- clothes, shoes, heels, makeup, hair, the whole nine yards. Doing this the night before will save you a ton of time in the morning.

2. Meal prep breakfast the night before.

Jack in the Box serves breakfast all day. Stop by on your way home, buy a breakfast meal, and eat it before you sleep. Since it takes longer for your body to process fake food, your meal should still be in your system by the time you wake up. This could easily save you 30–40 minutes in your morning routine.

3. Research the fastest route to work.

The shortest route between two points is a straight line. You’ll find driving through homes, crowded parking lots, and across intersections to be much faster than following the normal traffic routes.

4. Leave early.

Rule of thumb is to leave 6 hours before your shift starts. For example, an 8AM shift means you should leave by 2AM. For best results, sleep at work. This will guarantee you’ll be on time, help you avoid traffic, and save you money on gas.

5. Turn back the clocks in your house to trick yourself into leaving sooner.

The best way to do this is to set your clocks to another time zone. If you live in California, for example, change your clock to match Japan’s time zone. Doing so will shift your time 16 hours ahead, which will ensure you’ll arrive before your boss.

6. Fill up your gas tank the day before.

Consider also washing the outside of your car, vacuuming the inside, or simply a full detail job. While you’re at it, clean your house, mow the lawn, do your taxes early, watch paint dry, etc. Take care of anything that might distract you or make you late in the morning.

7. Get enough sleep.

This is probably the most overlooked by people, but the most critical. If you’re dozing off at work, your body is telling you to take a nap at your desk. Inadequate sleep will make you tired by the time you get home. This will increase your chances of accidentally sleeping in and being late to work the next day.

8. Set multiple alarms.

Set up an alarm clock at work to go off right when your shift starts. Turn up the volume and disable the snooze. If you don’t show up to work on time to turn it off, all of your coworkers will hate you by the time you come in. The trauma caused by being ostracized by your peers will discourage you from ever showing up late again.

9. Switch to a company that has your preferred work hours.

If a 9–5 work schedule is tough to manage, consider the unemployment route. The hours are pretty flexible, unlimited non-PTO, you can work remotely, and there’s no boss to yell at you when you’re late.

