Wat Pho

snapshots & stories
3 min readMar 13, 2016

Bangkok has, as does many parts of Thailand, some magnificent temples. We’ve seen the Grand Palace from outside it’s walls, but being it was our first day, we decided to explore the neighboring Wat Pho (home to the longest reclining Buddah and Thailand’s largest collection of Buddah images).

As in any of the religious temples, you are expected to dress conservatively, wearing pants/shirts to cover your knees/shoulders. Since it was our first day and we were out for general walking and exploring, I lent my scarf to Matt for a make-shift cover up while inside since most everyone was wearing long pants; I have been carrying a light weight sleeved top for myself to throw on while in any temple, since otherwise it is too hot for much more than a tank top!

The color and design details of Wat Pho were amazing and being inside the quiet walls was such a nice respite from the buzzing city traffic.

We may visit the Grand Palace when we are back in Bangkok, but snapped a few pictures from outside the walls while walking past:

Wat Pho was a great first temple to see and definitely worth a visit!

