If you don’t do it, who will?

Shatter the Glass Ceiling Now

Marne Platt
5 min readMay 22, 2020

Stop making excuses and start opening up the top tiers of business

Enough with the glass ceiling vs. sticky floor debate. I’ve had it with the excuses, the rationale, the explanations. Two decades into the 21st century, highly qualified women of all races and backgrounds still struggle to climb the career ladder, to get through that same old invisible barrier. We blame the system, the patriarchy, even the women themselves. Stop pointing fingers and assigning blame. None of that matters. What matters now is that we all stop just talking, and writing, and speaking; we have to DO something about it. Men and women, of all ethnicities, faiths, and perspectives. Because when one of us does well, we all do well.

glass with spiderweb crack on dark background
photo by Darren Hester on Stockvault

Say Something Powerful, Not Something Nice

Think about the last time someone described a female work colleague. Chances are, they used words like nice and helpful…or pushy and aggressive. Calling a woman ‘nice’ when describing her contribution makes me cringe. It’s like telling a little girl that she wonderful just because she is pretty. Sure, it’s nice to have that attribute, but what about her brain? What about her ability to persevere, or how quickly she can get a broken machine up and running again? That matters far more than the color…



Marne Platt

Writing about whatever comes to my mind. Editing whatever comes to your mind. Join me at www.fundamentalcapabilities.com