Product Review: Logitech Create Keyboard Case for iPad Pro

M McCown
3 min readApr 6, 2017


Recently making the shift to a pc-free life inspired me to write a review on the tool that had the most significance on this transition, the Logitech Create Keyboard Case.

I love my iPad Pro 12 inch. I use it for so much; writing, reading, minor photo editing, and more. When I travel, I often need to write lengthy pieces or edit documents and need the robustness of an actual keyboard. The onscreen keyboard of the iPad was fine, but I knew there had to be a better way. Not knowing what was available, I reluctantly went to the local Apple Store to get some input from a ‘genius’. The two products my ‘genius’ showed me were the Apple Smart Keyboard and the Logitech. The Apple product felt cheap, so I knew that was out. Since I was offered the ability to try it and return it if I didn’t like it, I bought the Logitech and my eLife has never been the same.

What I Like:

  • The SmartConnector. Three little dots on one edge of the iPad click into place once the device is secured into the case. This means no need for BlueTooth pairing or an additional power source for the keyboard. Huzzah! No cords or batteries to pack.
  • The protection. The case is hard-sided and, when closed, provides a clam shell of safety for the iPad. I’ve dropped this on airport flooring twice without any damage to the screen or innards of my device.
  • The key travel. Typing is fantastic. The pressure I use is less than what I used on the PC and somehow I type faster. Not better, just faster.
  • The back lit keyboard. With adjustable brightness, I don’t have to use the awful overhead light on a plane to work in the dark.
  • The price. At $150 it is $20 cheaper than the Apple Smart Keyboard and delivers better key travel and protection.

What I Don’t Like:

  • The color and fabric. My other eDevice cases are all saddle brown leather, which I love because of the patina it develops with use. Sadly, the Logitech is not leather. This may be a blessing because the cover is water-resistant (nylon?) canvas over the hard shell, good for the occasional spill or late night post while eating Cheetos. The choices I had were grey, black, and red; a screaming, won’t-lose-it-in-a-snowstorm red. I chose that since, despite having a Space Grey iPad, I thought Go Bold or Don’t Go. Still, I’d have paid more if it was covered in leather.
  • It’s kind of Mac-y. I am a PC person — I grew up with them, know all the keyboard shortcuts, etc. so getting used to a keyboard that has some Mac functionality has been a new experience. It hasn’t slowed down my productivity, it just took some getting used to especially until I realized that the command key is usually what I need to press.
  • The weight. With the iPad Pro snugly fitted, the weight is just over 3 pounds which adds some heft to my bag. Again, this is not a deal-killer for me because what I gain in weight so I gain in productivity.

Final Verdict: BUY!
The Logitech Create Keyboard Case has taken my iPad from well-used device to indispensable tool, whether at home or on the road! If you want to up your iPad accessory game, do yourself a favor and check out this keyboard.

This review was not sponsored in anyway, nor was anything received in exchange for it. The opinions and recommendations are mine.



M McCown

I am a travel-obsessed coffee lover who writes, provides learning & development consulting for large corporations, and sells the occasional travel photograph.