Exploring the Fundamentals of object-oriented programming with Java

marouane lhamidi
4 min readMay 30, 2023

(Second Part — Encapsulation)

Today, we will continue our exploration of the fundamentals of object-oriented programming with Java. In our previous discussion, we introduced the concept of object-oriented programming and explored the meaning behind it. We also touched upon the significance of objects, which are considered key components in many resources.

In this article, we will delve into the remaining concepts that are essential for any developer to know, I will provide an explanation of each concept, giving you the knowledge, you need to understand them fully. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of these concepts and their importance in object-oriented programming.

The article will be structured as follows:


Access modifiers.

Access modifiers are only factor in ensuring encapsulation?


Encapsulation is an important concept in programming that involves bundling data and methods together within a single unit, usually a class. It serves to hide internal implementation details and provides controlled access to an object’s state through methods. Encapsulation plays a crucial role in promoting data protection, code organization, and abstraction in object-oriented programming.

To better understand encapsulation, let’s consider the example of a banking application. In this scenario, we have a bank account object that typically includes a balance. However, it’s essential to restrict access to the balance and prevent unauthorized changes. This is where encapsulation comes into play.

By employing encapsulation, we can ensure data integrity and prevent unauthorized access or modifications. We have control over how data is accessed, updated, and validated, ensuring that the object remains in a consistent state. This approach ensures data integrity, reduces the risk of accidental errors, and security.

Access modifiers

When discussing encapsulation, the role of access modifiers cannot be overlooked.

They play a crucial role in encapsulation. To better understand encapsulation, let us revisit our bank account example. How can we ensure that the balance is not changed directly?

By using access modifiers, we can assign each variable a specific level of accessibility. In our case, we can make the variable private, meaning it can only be accessed within the class itself. This allows us to ensure data integrity and prevent unauthorized access or modifications. We have control over how data is accessed, updated, and validated, ensuring that the object remains in a consistent state.

How many levels of access modifiers are there in Java?

There are four levels of access modifiers in Java:

  1. Public: The public access modifier allows unrestricted access to a class, method, or variable from any other class or package.
  2. Protected: The protected access modifier allows access to a class, method, or variable within the same package or subclasses in different packages.
  3. Default (no modifier): If no access modifier is specified, it is considered as the default access modifier. It allows access within the same package only.
  4. Private: The private access modifier restricts access to the class, method, or variable only within the same class. It provides the highest level of encapsulation and data hiding.

Access modifiers are only factor in ensuring encapsulation!

Access modifiers are not the sole factor in ensuring data integrity and preventing unauthorized access or modifications because encapsulation encompasses more than just controlling visibility and accessibility.

While access modifiers determine the visibility of data members and methods, they alone cannot guarantee data integrity or prevent unauthorized access. There are other factors to consider, such as:

  1. Data Validation: Encapsulation allows implementation of validation logic within the class methods. This ensures that data is validated and adheres to specific rules or constraints, preventing invalid or inconsistent states.
  2. Class Design and Methodology: The overall design and structure of the class, including the organization of methods, separation of concerns, and adherence to best practices, also contribute to ensuring data integrity. A well-designed class considers various factors beyond access modifiers to achieve encapsulation and protect data.
  3. Information Hiding: Encapsulation involves hiding internal implementation details and exposing only necessary interfaces. This helps protect data from direct manipulation and ensures that it is accessed and modified through controlled methods.

Therefore, while access modifiers are an important aspect of encapsulation, they work in conjunction with other encapsulation techniques to ensure data integrity and prevent unauthorized access or modifications. It is the combination of these factors that creates a robust and secure system.

We can conclude that it is a fundamental principle of object-oriented programming that promotes data hiding and information hiding. By encapsulating data and methods within a class and controlling their access through access modifiers, we achieve better data protection, code organization, and flexibility in managing our codebase.



marouane lhamidi

I am LHAMIDI Marouane, a 5th year student at the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences, in the field of Computer Methods in Business Management.