40 ways to reignite your faith

Marquette University
Jesuit Educated
Published in
5 min readFeb 10, 2016

Across campus, you’ll see Marquette University’s Catholic identity flourishing. We challenge our community to go even deeper in our spiritual journey.

Follow Francis. Our first Jesuit Pope inspired an entire nation. Now, it is up to us to keep his inspiration alive.

People everywhere around you are clinging to the margins of our world.
Feed them.

Schedule time for God. Literally. Schedule it on your iPhone like any other meeting or class. If it works for President Lovell, it may work for you, too.

Photo by Dan Barrett, junior

Return to the rosary. If you don’t have beads, use your knuckles like James Foley did.

Start seeing crosses and crucifixes. Whether found in ornate settings or in the ordinary, they always tell a story and signal to Christians that good always trumps evil.

Break bread with your favorite Jesuit priest. Invite him to lunch, and he may even treat you in our new Jesuit Residence.

Cut through the clutter of our modern world. Challenge, analyze and discern, and you might just change the world.

Celebrate life by finding God in all things.

Attend a retreat and silently reflect on the crosses of your life. What in your life needs healing? In what ways is Christ present in your suffering?

Have no fear. Embrace every moment of your life, just as Rev. John Schlegel, S.J., taught us.

Did you know that nearly every residence hall on campus has a chapel? Seek them out. Better yet, invite your floormates to pray together for 15 minutes in one.

Cook a simple meatless meal with friends. We’ll make it easy on you and provide the recipes.

President Lovell and Jen Waters, senior

Faith is never more important than in times of adversity. Surround those who need you the most.

Keep faith in the center of your family life, no matter how busy your schedule.

Be a catalyst for change. Start by finding God in a concrete jungle.

Fast big time on a Friday. Donate the money you save from the meal to the Gesu meal program or Catholic Relief Services.

Catch a fish fry at a local parish with other students. It is a great way to dive into real life, real Milwaukee.

Photo by Jesse Lee

Spend time with the saints. Mother Teresa is one of many among us.

Get over your “reluctance for the griminess of the world.”
Wash the disciples’ feet.

Remember, always remember, our most sacred mother, Mary.

Immerse yourself in the story. Walk the stations of the cross.

Stop by the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist downtown. Pray by the Holy Doors of Mercy, which are a great gift from Pope Francis.

Wake up early to witness the allure of God’s creation. Catch a sunrise.

Church of The Gesu photo by Samantha Kreis

Pray The Examen. Every day. For one week.

Use your UPass to ride the bus. It is good for your soul and a nice reminder that most Jesuit universities were started in the heart of the city for a reason.

Ignite your faith every Wednesday in the Chapel of the Holy Family at 7:30 p.m. Trust us, you’ll leave feeling more connected to your Catholic community.

Take time to remember those who have taught us so much. And as
Rev. John Naus, S.J., used to say, “See written on the forehead of everyone you meet today, ‘Make me feel important.’ ”

Discern your calling in life. And witness those being ordained who have truly responded by saying, “Here I am, Lord.”

Remember three words. Tuesday night Mass. Join a packed house of students at St. Joan of Arc Chapel at 10 p.m. every week.

Reconnect with the sacraments, and consider them your skin in the game. Stop by the Eucharistic Chapel in the Alumni Memorial Union to pray before the Blessed Sacrament and near the sacred chrism.

Laugh. Cry. Walk. Dance. Play. Pray. And, most important, stand up.

Photo of Real Chili by Jesse Lee

Before you eat your chili, quietly bow your head and begin. “Bless us, oh Lord, for these thy gifts, which we are about to receive … ”

“Prayer is the practice of paying attention.” Live an attentive life and pay attention full-throttle.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Mass. Find an extraordinary setting that stirs something deep inside of you.

Explore the legend of St. Joan of Arc. Is the one stone she kissed colder than the rest? Surround yourself with her humble and courageous spirit.

Remember those who fight for our country and won’t be with their families this Easter season. And pray always that violence may be overcome by peace.

Thomas Milroy and Rob Christensen show MU pride while deployed in Afghanistan.

Pray every day for courage. One day, your moment to save someone may come.

Read about the life of Father Jacques Marquette. How are you living the magis?

Peer inside the life of Dorothy Day by visiting our archives. Learn about this servant of God and co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement.

Restore your wonder by viewing life through the eyes of a child. Envision what it means to be both fully human and fully divine.

